Protect Bug Bites While Outdoors

9 Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Bug Bites

9 Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Bug Bites

Try using these tips to help prevent getting bitten by those pesky bugs during the summertime.

  • Wear Protective Clothing – Even though it is warm outside, if you don’t like using harmful bug sprays you can wear tightly woven long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks.  Do wear light colors since they repel the sun.  This is the best way to protect your infant or toddler from getting bug bites without using harmful chemicals or sprays.  
  • Use Insect Repellent – If you plan on using [amazon_link id=”B0018OTMBA” target=”_blank”  rel=”nofollow”]insect repellent[/amazon_link] make sure that it contains DEET; however, make sure that you pick up a repellent that contains less than 10% of DEET if you plan on using it on children younger than 2 years old.  Children who are 2 years or older typically absorb more DEET; therefore, some parents avoid DEET all together.  Instead, look for [amazon_link id=”B004N59OFU” target=”_blank”  rel=”nofollow”]natural insect repellent[/amazon_link] products to use on your infant or toddler that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.  If you do end up using insect repellent on a child who is younger than 2 years old, spray it only on their clothing.  This helps reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that your child is exposed to.  Never put insect repellent on their hands of babies and young children.  They typically put their hands in their mouth and can end up swallowing harmful chemicals.
  • Mosquito Netting – Mosquito netting is a cheap and great way to protect your infant from getting bug bites while riding in the car seat, stroller, sleeping in a portable crib outside, ect.
  • Standing Water – If you notice standing water in your yard, do [amazon_link id=”B0002568YA” target=”_blank”  rel=”nofollow”]treat the standing water for mosquitoes[/amazon_link].  Avoid going to places that have stagnant water (water that isn’t moving).  Mosquitoes breed in water.  Do check any toys, swimming pools, garbage cans, bird feeders, and anything else in your yard that can hold standing water and dump out the water.
  • Screens – If you love to open your windows in the late evening, check the screens occasionally for holes or tears to prevent mosquitoes from coming inside of the house and biting you.  Replace or repair the screens immediately.
  • Spot Check for Bug Bites – Always spot check each family member for signs and symptoms of insect bites, especially, after spending any time outdoors.  If you notice bug bites it is important to monitor for signs and symptoms of illnesses.  If you show any signs of illnesses, do see your doctor immediately
  • Avoid Heavily Wooded Areas – If you go camping or plan to spend time around heavily wooded areas, it is important that you take the necessary precautions to protect you and your family from mosquitoes and ticks.  Avoid sitting directly on the ground and wear insect repellent.

How to Treat Bug Bites

If you have a reaction to bug bites there are several things that you can do to help with the swelling and itching.  If possible, use an ice pack on the affected area, especially, on babies or toddlers.  Using an anti-histamine can help reduce the itching; however, most anti-histamines do cause drowsiness and can make some people sleepy.  Check with a doctor or pharmacist before giving your child an anti-histamine.  Calamine lotion is a topical lotion that helps reduce the itching.  It is important that you or your child doesn’t  scratch the bug bites.  Scratching can lead to infection or scarring.

Do you and your family enjoy spending time outdoors during the summer?  Do you always protect your family using insect repellent?


20 responses to “9 Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Bug Bites”

  1. Pamela R Avatar

    Screens are a must!

    1. Christy Avatar

      Yes, if you are lucky to be able to open your windows. It’s too hot here to open the windows most of the time.

  2. Rebel Sweetheart Avatar

    My son and I have been using the same insect repellent brand for the past four years. I love that it’s made of organic, homegrown materials, and how every purchase of the product helps local farmers earn a living.

    1. Christy Avatar

      That sounds awesome, I love supporting small businesses now that I have my own blog.

  3. Heidi Avatar

    Great tips! I am very sensitive to mosquito bites myself so I am very diligent about this with my own family 🙂

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you for sharing Heidi.

  4. Jodi @ Heal Now Avatar

    I was just watching a medicinial herb video and she took fresh yarrow tincture sprayed it on herself for a natural repellent. I thought this was brilliant!
    Great article!

    1. Christy Avatar

      Jodi that is interesting. I know that I personally don’t like using insect repellent and haven’t thought of looking into alternative solutions until I was writing this post. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Nicole @Between Two Rams Avatar

    These are some great tips! Luckily the mosquitoes aren’t too bad where we live, but where we lived before they were horrible! As much as I hated spraying bug spray on my little ones, it was a necessity I couldn’t afford to skip! Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Christy Avatar

      I am glad that you don’t have a huge problem with mosquitoes Nicole. I don’t let my youngest play outside too often in the evenings because I hate exposing him to the chemicals at a young age.

  6. Amy @mommetime Avatar

    I am so grateful that we have a screened porch… the mosquitos are awful this year. We’ve tried many all natural things we found while searching the interwebs, but so far we haven’t had much luck. I just planted a bunch of differnt plants that I’ve read that will help repel… we shall see. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I hope the plants work out and keep the bugs away. I would love to screen in my back porch. Then we could actually enjoy our patio without the bugs.

  7. Meli Avatar

    Excellent post. Our skin is the largest organ in our body so it is well to remember that anything you put on it will be absorbed into the body. Using a more healthy, less toxic way to prevent and deal with insect bites is preferable… especially if used on a regular basis. That said… enjoy your time outdoors!!

    1. Christy Avatar

      I agree Meli. I am thankful more companies are finding ways to create new products that work just as well without all of the harmful chemicals.

  8. Terry Avatar

    Great information. I will remember it for my grandchildren though followed a lot of it with my kids. One was a red head whose bites really swelled. We found aloe helpful.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you for passing along my tips Terry, I appreciate it.

  9. Janet Avatar


    Great article!

    Here’s a tip I recently discovered – that actually works!!

    Cut a lime in half, and fill each segment with 2-3 cloves.

    Mosquitoes will instantly vanish. When the lime dries out and they come back replace lime and they instantly disappear again.

    I love this!!

    1. Christy Avatar

      Interesting. I might have to try that when we are sitting outside this spring/summer. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. Shannon Avatar

    Thank you for posting this informative article. Have a lovely day.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you Shannon, hope you have a great day too. I appreciate all of your lovely comments.