Rascal Got Locked in Doggy Jail

Rascal is a sneaky little Elf, he took off to the North Pole early last night.  He wanted to go back early so that he could visit Rudolf.  While sneaking, back into the house last night he found himself locked himself in the dog’s kennel.  I found him this morning, he looked so sad and scared while trying to get our attention to let him out of the kennel.  When I took a closer look I found the dog’s bone in his mouth and a sign attached to the kennel door asking for help.

Poof Elf!

The baby was looking for the Elf and was having trouble finding him this morning.  So we went on with our morning routing and were going to let the dogs outside, as we were heading towards the back door.  My son started pointing to the dog kennel, he found Rascal.  He kept pointing at the Elf, and showed his older brother where Rascal was hiding this morning.  While getting ready this morning, he was telling his daddy all about Rascal.  When Katie came back inside, she gave Rascal a few dirty looks.  She wanted to know why there was an Elf and a bone inside of her kennel.

Help me!


Katie says, “Rascal why are you hanging out in my kennel.”


Katie says, “I would really like that bone you are chewing on Rascal.”


Rascal gives up and goes to sleep.


What will Rascal do next?  Check back tomorrow!