Singled Out by Nikki Derouin

Singled Out: Finding Contentment with Just You and Lord By Nikki Derouin

As a mom, I try to set a good example for my kids and to teach them about Christ. I want my children to understand that it is important to understand God’s relationship and purpose in their lives. Even with God, things might not go as planned but with God on your side you don’t have to worry about being lonely, unsatisfied, or unfulfilled. I also want my own children to understand that nothing in this live is guaranteed but with Christ everything is possible.

Remember you can have a relationship with Christ without going to church; however, church is a place to meet other like minded people and its about community. Many people are often turned off by the church because something hasn’t gone according to what you though or they haven’t met your expectations. However, you have to remember that the church leaders are human too and still make mistakes. Instead, of turning your back on the church and walking away, you can find opportunities to serve and give new insights to the church leaders.

I hope that if you are currently struggling with being single, that you take the opportunity to let God minister to you through this book.

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One response to “Singled Out: Finding Contentment with Just You and Lord By Nikki Derouin”

  1. Linda Manns Avatar

    I would really like to read this book. I am divorced and had a very hard time afterwards. I did not feel good about myself at all. I love God with all my heart and he has brought me through alot of things in my life. Thank you for sharing this book