When you think about protecting your family, you may envision things like having strong locks on the doors and windows, making sure everyone gets a flu shot in the winter and advising your kids to be very careful when they are on the internet.
While these are all very important precautions to take, there are other forms of protection that should also be in place to help ensure the safety of your family whether you are at home or away.
For example, every family should have the following types of protection set up at all times:
Identity Protection
In addition to locking your doors and windows, you should also lock up your personal data to keep it away from hackers who want to steal your identity. When you think about how many places have your personal data on file—including your doctor’s office, bank, grocery store in the form of club cards, car dealership and more—it can definitely be concerning.
To safeguard your good name and financial reputation, it is wise to invest in an identity protection program through a company like LifeLock. The company will keep an electronic eye on all of your accounts and personal data, and if they detect that anything is amiss, they will immediately alert you and take steps to remedy the issue. As a major bonus, the company is currently offering a discount of 30 percent off the first year of service with this LifeLock coupon. In addition to monitoring and alerts, you will also receive free credit scores and annual credit reports, as well as backing by LifeLock’s Million Dollar Protection Package.
Comprehensive Insurance
Another key form of protection that every family should have in place is insurance. While you can find a wide variety of insurance plans that may or may not apply to your personal situation—for instance, people living in a flood zone may need this type of plan while others will not—there are four types of insurance you should definitely have. First, you and your family should be covered by health insurance; this way, if you do have an accident or some type of illness, you will not go into a huge amount of debt to be treated. Life insurance is also important to have in place for the adults in the home, as it can help to take care of finances in case the worst happens and a family member passes away. Home insurance is also crucial; this way, if your home is damaged by fire or is burglarized, the structure of the home and its contents will be covered. Finally, you should have car insurance in place to cover your vehicle and the precious people who ride in it on a daily basis.
While many states have laws in place to ensure that you have most of these plans in place, in the case of health insurance you may not be covered at work, so be sure to know the limitations of your specific insurance policies. Shop around and compare quotes to find a good plan—some companies will reward you with lower rates if you bundle the four plans with them.
Home Security System
While locks on the doors and windows are a great place to start when securing your home, going one step further and installing a home security system is also prudent. A home alarm system will help to protect your family and home from intruders; in many cases, a criminal will see that a security system is in place and will move on to another residence. If there is a break-in, the alarm will sound, the security company will be monitored and the police will be summoned. You can either work with a company that will install the cameras and monitor your property for you, or you can purchase the cameras and place them in and around your home and then monitor the footage yourself.
A Safe Home is a Happy Home
It goes without saying that you love your family and want to keep them safe and secure. By looking into these three basic forms of protection and ensuring that they are all in place and ready to go, you can rest assured that you are doing what you can to keep your family safe and secure 24/7/365.