After a long day at school, coming home to face homework will certainly be stressful for your child. As a parent, you can help make homework less stressful for your child like one of the professionals on AssignmentGeek.com. These professionals have ample experience in helping young ones focus and enjoy doing homework. They employ tricks that make it less stressful and more interesting. If you learn some of these tricks, you’ll not need to pay a professional to assist your child with homework.
How To Make Homework Less Stressful For Your Child
1. Get Rid Of Distractions
Some children can get easily distracted by what they see or hear. It’s easy for your child to feel overwhelmed with homework when the TV is on or someone is using the tractor. This is why you need to get rid of every possible distraction when it’s time for homework. If your child owns a mobile device, make sure it is switched off during homework. Electronics are the biggest distractions for young children. Your mobile device should also be switched off. If you need it on, try not to operate it until you’re done helping your child.
2. Start Before Kindergarten
Before your child is old enough for kindergarten, you can start teaching them some basics at home. You should also assign homework to your home lessons. This way, your child will be accustomed to doing homework every day after school. When your child gets older and gets enrolled in kindergarten, their attitude toward school and learning will be positive. They will be looking forward to it rather than consider it stressful.
3. Teach Your Child How To Use A Homework Log
Encourage your child to take a homework log to school every day. This can be a simple notebook which is used to jot all the assignments for the day as soon as they receive them. When your child gets home, review the homework log with them. This way, you’ll know what to expect and break it all into achievable batches. If there is a report or a project that needs urgent attention, you’ll see it on the homework log and get to it in time.
4. Don’t Rush To It
The homework should not be the first thing to be done as soon as your child gets home. There should be at least a one hour break between when the child gets home and when they start homework. Also, build breaks into the homework session. You can take two ten-minute breaks if the entire session would be on for 45 minutes. Make sure the break isn’t too long so you and your child don’t get carried away.
5. Make It Crunchy
The fact that it’s time for homework doesn’t mean there should be no snacks allowed. You and your child can eat something crunchy while you’re working. This can help both of you stay focused and organized. It should be something healthy not a sugary unhealthy snack. These are the top five tips for reducing homework stress from a professional. Apply these tips and you’ll see the results in no time.
Image: Pixabay