My Baby Boy’s First Real Halloween

My baby is getting so big and growing up so fast.  Last year at Halloween he was way to young to realize what was going on.  He woke up yesterday morning  with the croup and I was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to go trick or treating this year.  Later yesterday afternoon, he seemed like he was feeling better and wanted his costume on.

So I put him into the costume and he was running around the living room.  I tried taking some pictures of him with his costume on but he wouldn’t stand still long enough for me to take a good picture.  I managed to capture three pictures of him in his costume and one of them was blurry.  I was planning on taking more pictures of him while he was trick or treating but I accidentally left my cell phone at home.  So I missed capturing more Halloween memories.

I loved watching his face light up when he was handed a piece of candy or when someone put candy is his bucket.  My son loved being handed a piece candy so that he could put it in his Halloween bucket himself.  He didn’t know how to say “Trick or Treat” this year but he would tell them “Thank You” in his cute little voice.

The church that we went to also had games for the kids to play, so he got to play a few games.  He wasn’t so sure at first about tossing or throwing things, especially after being told not to throw something at home.  He had to have mommy and daddy’s help but his face would light up when he would knock over the coke cans or knock over the bowling pins.






2 responses to “My Baby Boy’s First Real Halloween”

  1. Michelle Avatar

    So cute! Hope his cough has gotten better! Love that he loved putting the candy in his bucket on his own.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you Michelle, he still has a lingering cough. I am so thankful that he got to enjoy his first real Halloween adventure.