Do you currently have pet or are you considering getting an animal for your children? In order to be a responsible pet owner, you will need to make sure that you take the time to care for your animals. They take a bit of work but they are well worth the effort. A dog is a great companion, playmate, friend, and they will love you unconditionally even if you were mad at them five minutes ago. Your pets will depend on you to ensure that they are loved and cared for properly.
Disclosure: I was given a free sample of Purina Beyond dog food in order to facilitate this post. All opinions are 100% my own. I earn a small commission if you click on the coupon offer. It doesn’t cost you a thing.
Pets need to have their hair brushed too. The amount of time that you will spend brushing your dog’s hair depends on the type of hair that they have. Longer hair dogs need to be brushed on a daily basis while a shorter hair dog does need to be bushed as much. It is important to take care of your dog’s fur. Here are some reasons why it is important to brush your dog’s fur regularly:
- helps stimulate skin growth
- decreases shedding
- allows you to notice any bumps, growths, or infections on your dog’s body
- allows you to look for fleas
- prevent matting which harbors skin infections and makes the dog uncomfortable
- spend quality time with your pet
- loosens dead skin and dirt
Caring In Times of Pain
There are times when the pets are in discomfort and you are not sure what to do. It is important to consult the vet if there is serious pain involved. There are certain home remedies that can be used. You can learn more about what can dogs take for pain here.
Dogs Need Frequent Nail Trims
It is important to start trimming your dog’s nails at a young age. Dogs normally don’t care for having their paws touched but skimping on nail trims can cause additional health concerns for your dog. The best thing to do is to touch their paws on a regular basis between nail trims because it gets them used to getting their paws touched. You can trim their nails yourself or leave it to the professionals. Trimming their nails is fairly easy but you do have to be careful not cut them too short or they will bleed. Leaving their nails untrimmed makes it harder for your dog to walk because it changes the way your dog walks. The nails are designed to help your dog be able to grip the ground when they are accelerating or making turns. Many outdoor dogs naturally grind them down but indoor dogs don’t get the opportunity. Learn how to trim your dog’s nails properly.
Dogs don’t need to be bathed nearly as often as humans do. Bathing your dog too often results in them having problems with dry skin. Typically, if your dog isn’t getting super dirty you should bathe them at least once a month using a mild shampoo that is made for dogs or baby shampoo. If you have to end up bathing your dog more often, you should opt for a moisturizing or soap-free dog shampoo. Before you bath your dog, you should groom them and brush their fur first. Dry them as much as you can with a dry towel. You can use a hair dryer to dry their fur but use a lower heat setting so that it doesn’t dry out their skin.
Pets need exercise too. Many of our pets don’t get nearly enough exercise and are becoming couch potatoes even dogs who spend their days outdoors. Your dog isn’t going to run laps by themselves. They need us to help them ensure that they get enough exercise. Dogs were born to be workers and today they aren’t made to work. Lack of adequate exercise can lead to any of the following behaviors:
- destructive chewing, digging, and scratching
- annoying behaviors like digging through the trash can
- hyper
- night time activity
- being unruly ie jumping on people, knocking things over
- excessive predatory behaviors
- rough playing
- biting
- barking excessively
- whining
- being overweight
Make Sure They Have Access to Fresh Water
Dogs need to have access to fresh water on a daily basis. Their body is made up of living cells just like humans are and require adequate amounts of water for their bodies to function properly. They can dehydrate just like humans do especially on a hot summer day or if they are under the weather. If you notice that your dog isn’t drinking water for several days, it is important to get them to a vet to rule out a medical issue.
Give them Proper Nutrition
Dog food has been under fire over the last several years and many people have realized that dogs need to eat nutritiously too. If you are a label reader, you should be reading the label on your dog’s food. Many people don’t realize that the more expensive dogs foods actually produce less waste because your dog’s body is actually able to absorb more nutrients from their food. Plus, they don’t have to eat as much to feel full. Purina Beyond dog food is making it easier for pet owners to determine what is in their pet’s foods. It was crafted by pet nutritionists to meet your pet’s nutritional needs. It’s not simply a matter of natural ingredients. It’s the expert formulation of those ingredients and the knowledge that they’ve been sourced from trusted suppliers that ensure you are feeding your pet a meal that is both naturally and nutritionally complete. You can find Purina Beyond Dog and Cat food at Target.
Don’t forget to grab the $5 off coupon, which is redeemable at Target. Plus save an additional 10% off Purina Beyond wet dog food using Target cartwheel.
Click on the photo for more information on Purina Beyond Dog and Cat food.
This is a basic list of things that you will be responsible for taking care of your pet. Today, I covered the basis necessities and I am sure that I will be expanding on this list soon. I hope that you enjoy your new pet.
5 responses to “Basic Pet Care – Caring for Your Pets on a Daily Basis”
We don’t currently have any pets. With our current housing pets aren’t allowed. These are great tips and important things to consider once we are ready and able to add a pet to our family. Thank you.
Purina is a great brand. We use purina brand food for our cats. Glad they are coming out with some healthier ingredients in their food.
I always make time for my pets, I bath them weekly making sure they’re clean!
With 4 dogs and 3 cats, I am very diligent with pet care! Our animals are well taken care of!
A lot of people dont realize the work side of having a pet. It is important to take good care of them.