Category: What to Expect

  • What to Expect During A C-Section Delivery

    What to Expect During A C-Section Delivery

    A C-Section is a major surgery and can be very scary for most moms, it was for me.  I was terrified when the ultrasound technician discovered that my son was breech.  My doctor order an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid levels once I reached 40 weeks because with my oldest son, my fluid levels…

  • What is Implantation Bleeding?

    What is Implantation Bleeding?

    If you are expecting your period, implantation during early pregnancy often mimics the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, especially if you don’t know that you are pregnant or your pregnancy is a complete surprise.    Implantation bleeding occurs in roughly 1 to 2 percent of women and many women often mistake it for their period.  Implantation…

  • Hypnobirthing Creates a Calm, Relaxed Environment Making Child Birth More Enjoyable

    Hypnobirthing Creates a Calm, Relaxed Environment Making Child Birth More Enjoyable

    Hypnobirthing is another child birthing method that was discovered in 1944 by obstetrician Dr. Grantly Dick-Read.  He felt that women could have a safe, easy, relaxed child birth experience by using hypnosis during child birth.  Many women often times will tense up when their contractions start becoming unbearable; instead, of working with their body using…

  • The Bradley Method Helps Women Realize That Their Body Was Designed For Birthing

    The Bradley Method Helps Women Realize That Their Body Was Designed For Birthing

    The Bradley method is another popular birthing technique that is used by many expectant mothers who wish to have an unmediated natural delivery.  This method was developed by Dr. Robert Bradley in the late 1940s.  He wanted women to realize that birthing was a natural process and that many women can give birth without medical intervention or…

  • Lamaze Birthing Classes are Designed to Empower Expectant Mothers

    Lamaze Birthing Classes are Designed to Empower Expectant Mothers

    The Lamaze birthing technique is probably the most common child birthing technique that is taught  by hospitals and child birth educators.  This birthing technique was created by Dr Fernand Lamaze in the 1940’s to help women cope with the pain of childbirth.  He felt that women were capable of giving birth without the need of…

  • Are Child Birth Classes Necessary for Expectant Mothers?

    Are Child Birth Classes Necessary for Expectant Mothers?

    Child birth classes are designed to provide expectant mothers with information so that moms are prepared for labor and delivery.  Every woman will have a different labor and delivery experience, but the techniques used to help minimize pain and prepare a mother for labor are similar. I remember when I was a first time mom,…

  • Is It Necessary to Tour the Hospital Before You Give Birth?

    Is It Necessary to Tour the Hospital Before You Give Birth?

    Many pregnant women don’t think about touring the hospital that they are planning to deliver at; especially, a mom who has given birth before.  When I was pregnant with my first child, I would have never thought about taking a tour at the hospital.  I took a Lamaze class when I was pregnant with my daughter and…

  • Are Pregnancy Hormones Leaving You Feeling Like a Hot Mess?

    Are Pregnancy Hormones Leaving You Feeling Like a Hot Mess?

    The moment you find out that you are expecting, many women are often overwhelmed and have mixed emotions.  Most women are thrilled to be expecting while other’s are scared to death.  All of these emotions that you are feeling are normal.  It will take time for many parents to adjust to the thought of being…

  • Early Pregnancy Symptoms

    Early Pregnancy Symptoms

    Each one of my pregnancies were completely different, including the early symptoms that I had.  Some of the early symptoms that women experience are very similar to pre-menstrual symptoms.  Many women wait to test for pregnancy until they miss their first period; however, some women mistake spotting as a period and don’t think twice about…