Create a Well Disciplined Child From the Start

Dad’s Need to Create a Deep Connection as Well

Dad’s often times feel left out because they don’t feel the same connection that a mother feels to her baby while in the womb.  A dad can feel the baby moving in mom’s belly and can talk to the baby but they don’t have a 24/7 connection to the baby.  If the mother decides to breastfeed the baby, dad may feel left out in the bonding process because he is unable to feed the baby.  However, there are other ways that dad can bond with the baby and create that deep connection. For example:

  • hold the baby while mom takes a break
  • bring the baby to mom for those middle of the night feedings
  • change a few diapers
  • give the baby a bath
  • play with the baby
  • create a night time ritual

Meeting Your Child’s Needs Quickly Builds Trust

When your baby cries, it is important to respond quickly to their cries.  A quick response lets your baby know that you are there and that you can be trusted.  Trust is important to a child emotional well-being and helps develop a sense of security.  This is beneficial as they begin to grow up, they already know that you can be trusted to meet their needs and nurture them in a loving manner.

Baby Led Weaning

If your baby is breastfed, allow them to make the decision to stop breastfeeding.  Older babies often times view nursing as a source of comfort and trust, rather than nursing for nutritional purposes.  I know some parents are objected to this method, if that is the case, then you can find another way to meet your child’s emotional needs and maintain the sense of trust that is achieved while nursing.


Sears, M.D. William & Sears, R.N, Martha (1995).  The Discipline Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Better-Behaved Child – From Birth to Age 10. Canada: Little, Brown & Company.

Did you start teaching your baby right and wrong from the beginning?


One response to “Create a Well Disciplined Child From the Start”

  1. Steph~ Avatar


    I SO value and appreciate ALL you do to help encourage and educate parents/families through your continued dedication to “uplifting familes” 🙂 with your passion for helping others.

    This is such an important topic as sadly in today’s world it is unfortunately evident, from daily observations of out of control children everywhere we go, schools, grocery stores, doctor’s offices, movie theateres, any/all places we go, this is an important topic many parents may not have the confidence and/or or support to focus on/deal with.

    I also greatly value how you always build in tips for dad to be involved in all family matters, this is so important as we know; even in blended families, as you know, it is very important for dad’s to be involved with bonding with the children as otherwise trust is not built as you so well share in this article/all the EXCELLENT 🙂 articles you write.

    Cheers to you for your 24/7 dedication to your family and all those you reach out to help. You are a daily blessing.

    With gratitude, Steph~ @ohmyjet 🙂