Dad’s Survival Guide for the Final Stages of Labor and Delivery

Newborn Baby after Delivery Dad if you have made it this far and haven’t passed out, this is the ultimate moment that you have been waiting for.  You are so close to meeting the baby that has been growing in your her womb for the last 9 months and the one you have felt move and kick you when you place your hand on her stomach.  Dad she still needs your help and coaching so that she can remain calm, focused, and continuing to work through the last few contractions so that she deliver the baby.  Once the baby is delivered, you will quickly realize that this is the moment you and her have been waiting for, to meet your new baby for the very first time.  The moment you gaze into your baby’s eyes you will no longer be focused on the exhaustion and intensive labor that you and your wife or significant other just made it through.

Disclosure:  This post is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be substituted for medical intervention.  I am not a doctor, midwife, or nurse.  If you think that your wife or significant other is in the final stages of delivery, please call 911 or head to the closest hospital.


Dads Learn What to Expect During Transition Labor?

The next phase of labor is called transition labor and typically begins when she is dilated to 8 cm.  Most women will tell you that this is the most painful stage of labor.  At this point, contractions are coming every two to three minutes and last anywhere from 60 to 90 seconds.  She may begin to feel as if she isn’t able to get a break between contractions or from the pain.  Some women during this phase of labor are known for swearing, screaming, or saying things that they don’t mean to their spouse or significant other, if this happens please don’t take it personally.  This phase is typically short or especially if she has already had a baby before.  During this phase of labor, the doctor and nurses may come in and begin setting her bed in preparation for delivering the baby.  If she has made it up to this point without medication, try to coach her through these last few contractions.  You might try suggesting that she switch positions in the bed, allow you to give her a massage, place a cool cloth on her head, and leave her alone so that she can focus while she is in her own personal zone.  She may ask you to remove any distractions that there are in the room so that she can concentrate on each of the remaining contractions.

Continue Reading: Dad’s Survival Guide for Labor and Delivery


4 responses to “Dad’s Survival Guide for the Final Stages of Labor and Delivery”

  1. Lexie Lane Avatar

    My husband couldn’t cut the umbilical cord. He was too chicken! I think the shock sinks in with the new baby after that!

    1. Christy Avatar

      My husband said he wasn’t going to cut my son’s cord either when I was still pregnant with him.

  2. Gina Jacobs Thomas (@totallyfullofit) Avatar

    While I never went in to labor with either pregnancies, my husband was right in there doing everything he could to feel included. He didn’t mind cutting the cord either! Great list of things for dads to know!

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you Gina, it is nice having someone there to help you when you are in pain. Hope dads who stumble upon this post enjoy it.