Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Each one of my pregnancies were completely different, including the early symptoms that I had.  Some of the early symptoms that women experience are very similar to pre-menstrual symptoms.  Many women wait to test for pregnancy until they miss their first period; however, some women mistake spotting as a period and don’t think twice about being pregnant until they start experiencing more pregnancy symptoms.

Disclosure:  This post is for informational purposes only.  All opinions reflected in this post are my own.

Symptoms With My First Baby

When I discovered that I was pregnant with my first child, I noticed that I was craving things that I normally don’t eat and very hungry.  Then I noticed that I was late for my monthly visitor, so I decided to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough it was positive.

Symptoms With My Second Baby

My second child, I was a bit shocked when I found out that I was pregnant.  One day, I noticed that my areolas were darker and larger than normal.  I decided to take a pregnancy test the next day.  I was kinda expecting it to show up positive and sure enough the test turned positive right away.

Symptoms With My Third Baby

My third pregnancy caught me off guard because we were actively trying to get pregnant for a very long time.  And I was kinda of disappointed because I would be expecting to get pregnant and each month my period would show up.  One day at work it dawned on me that I was late, so I told my husband that we needed to get a pregnancy test.  Later that night, I also noticed that my boobs hurt and felt very heavy and the next morning I was kinda clumsy.  I took the pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive.

Continue Reading: Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms


2 responses to “Early Pregnancy Symptoms”

  1. symptoms of early pregnancy Avatar

    Great experience with your all three pregnancies. every women’s experience different symptoms. that’s depend on body to body.thanks for sharing all these early pregnancy symptoms.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you for sharing.