How to Ensure Your Dog and Baby Bond

How to Ensure Your Dog & Baby Bond

Ensure Your Dog is Healthy

If your dog didn’t receive the vaccine on regular basis you need to go to the vet to examine him and give him the vaccine. The standard procedure of dog care includes: regular vaccination against rabies(required by law) and get the other vaccines against infectious diseases, then deworming (pills that depend on your dog’s body weight) and finally apply anti-flea products. FYI, if you can’t afford the cost of taking your dogs to the vet for shots, you can buy them at the local fed store or look for low cost vaccination clinics in your area. You will still have to see the vet for the rabies shot. Try to pick out a healthy dog food for your pet. Healthy dog food will ensure that your dog builds up a good immune system so he won’t even catch a cold that will cause him to sneeze. It is also important to keep the dog food out of your child’s reach and make sure the dog eats everything out of his bowl. It is best to place his water and food bowls in the kitchen or the dining room far from your child’s playing area.

Arriving Home From the Hospital

Once you arrive home from the hospital your pet will probably want to greet you and jump on you so it is better to hand over the baby to someone else. When the child is older it is important to teach them how to treat dogs. It is important to teach him the difference between your own dog and someone else’s and the street dog. The dog should never be forced to tolerate petting and talking with the child if he doesn’t like it. And the dog should never be punished if he makes an angry face, because that is a sign that something is not right and the next step is biting. In those cases the dog should be left alone and you should deal with him later. Punishing him would teach him to stop warning us when he is not satisfied.

Playing Accidents

In the case of bites or scratches while playing wash the place with water and soap. If redness or swelling occurs it is necessarily to go to the doctor. All of this may seem too complicated, but the benefits of growing up with animals are numerous. Pets teach children responsibility and the relationship that the child establishes with the animal has a positive effect on his confidence. The dog is another member of the family who will provide the unconditional love to the child, and you can never have too much of that.

Did you have any problems introducing your family pet to the newest family member?



2 responses to “How to Ensure Your Dog & Baby Bond”

  1. Michele Avatar

    I have no children but back when I had dogs plenty of my friends had infants who turned into toddlers etc etc. My dogs had no problem at all adjusting to these sometimes visitors and protected them as if they were their puppies! One of my dogs actually taught the neighborhood kids how to treat dogs–she would not allow them to pet her (talk fluffy white Eskimo spitz here)-until they sat on the ground quietly. Those kids learned pretty quickly!

    1. Christy Avatar

      That is so cool that a dog was able to teach the children. I think animals are a great partner for kids. I know that my youngest son loves our dogs. I have taught him how to pet them gently and will have to remind him when the dogs are letting him know that they are done playing.