How to Introduce Your Newborn to the Family Pet?

For the most part, she just ignores my son but sometimes she comes over to check him out.  We showed my son how to pet her gently and when she started growling at him, we sternly told her “NO” and to be quite.  We wanted to get her accustomed to him touching her so that when he was older, and tried to pet her on his own we wouldn’t have to worry about her harming him.

My son is 16 months old  now and for the most part they stay out of each other’s way.  We haven’t had any major issues with her so far, but we keep an eye on them when they are together.  It is important to teach your child how to gently pet the dog and not to hurt the dog.

If your dog has insecurity issues and doesn’t accept your child into the pack, you should seek help from your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.

Did your pet adjust to your new baby?