Mom Talking To Child After Temper Tantrum

Parenting Tips for Combating the Terrible Two’s and Temper Tantrums

You will also figure out that most toddlers at this age have no way of expressing the overwhelming emotions.  The emotions they feel are overwhelming to them and come from the fact that they are constantly being told “no”.  Your toddler will most likely have a meltdown when they are faced with an overwhelming amount of emotions and they have no idea how to control their emotions.  The tantrums will lessen over time as they learn how to communicate their emotions.

How Should You Handle a Tantrum?

When you toddler decides to throw a temper tantrum, it is best that you allow your child to have their meltdown as long as they aren’t hurting themselves.  I personally think it is better to teach your child that they aren’t supposed to throw a fit every time that they don’t get their way.  With my youngest, we send him to his time out chair when he throws a fit.  The best way to curb fits is to allow your child to get his or her way occasionally, as long as it doesn’t affect their safety or well-being.  You can give your child a small amount of control when it comes to making decisions that affect them and give them appropriate choices that they can make on their own.  Letting your toddler make his or her own decision, often time means less fits because your toddler won’t get upset all of the time when things don’t do their way.

If you tell your child no, be firm and don’t give into their wants when they throw a fit.  This will cause more problems down the road.   Do offer your toddler praise when they are behaving and making good choices.  If you are in public, it might be best for you to pick up your child and leave the store if they continue to misbehave, especially, if you plan on disciplining your child every time they throw a fit.  When talking to your child about their behavior it is important to get down on their level and make eye contact with them.  Then make your toddler apologize for throwing a fit.  After they apologize, allow your toddler to give you a hug and kiss so that they know that you still love them.  This tactic is often seen on the show “Super Nanny.”

Discover the Root Cause Behind the Tantrums

As I said previously, your child is learning how to be independent and wants to make his or her own choices.  They are starting to realize that they are a individual human being with a voice and have the power to voice their own opinions.  During the early stages, most toddlers are trying to figure out what they can’t do and are discovering what they are allowed to get away with.  When your toddler doesn’t get his or her way, most of them are likely they throw a tantrum.  Adults are the same way; however, most don’t throw unruly fits like a toddler does.  It is your toddler’s own way of figuring out what is right and what is wrong.  Instead, of following their parents orders from the beginning.

Can I Avoid Terrible Two’s Altogether?

Unfortunately, all parents will go through a stage of terrible twos with each one of their children.  Terrible twos is a phase that all children have to go through in order to learn the rules the hard way.  A toddler is a small person, that loves to test you to see what they can get away with.  Once your child, figures you out and discovers how you will react to their tantrums they should slowly get better.  Remember that this is a phase and the better you respond to your child’s tantrums the better off you will be in the long run.

What Can I Do If I Feel Angry at My Child For Constantly Throwing a Tantrum?

If you find yourself feeling angry, when you are trying to deal with your toddlers temper tantrums.  Sometimes you will need to take your own time out and step away from the situation, especially, if you are feeling upset or angry with your child’s behavior.  You don’t want to ever discipline your child when you are angry and you never want to resort to yelling at your child.  Taking a time out or counting to 10 will help you calm down so that you can make a rational decision on how to handle your child’s behavior.

How did you deal with terrible two’s in your house?


17 responses to “Parenting Tips for Combating the Terrible Two’s and Temper Tantrums”

  1. Pepper Tan Avatar

    I think in our case, we went up to the terrible fours! Yes, it is a phase toddlers go through. As parents, we should really try our hardest not to lose it. We have to learn to listen to what they’re trying to tell us through their tantrums.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Pepper you are right that most of the tantrums last until they are closer to 4. However, after age 2 they should start happening less frequently.

  2. Taylor Avatar

    This phase can definitely be difficult! It must be frustrating for them not being able to communicate their wants or needs. When my daughter has her tantrums, I walk away. I don’t want her getting the idea that it is acceptable behavior (I see way too many adults having tantrums!) But we are also experimenting with hand signals to help her communicate until she is able to verbally express herself.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Great advice Taylor, thank you for sharing what works for you and your family. 🙂

  3. Rebel Sweetheart Avatar

    Ah yes, I’ve had my fair share of tantrums when my son was this age. He still throws tantrums every once in a while, but it’s much easier to handle now that he’s already four. 🙂

    1. Christy Avatar

      My youngest just started the tantrums. He is learning bad habits from his friends at daycare.

  4. Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club Avatar

    I think it can be a slippery slope rewarding any kind of tantrum behavior. How do you walk that back the next time? You know what I mean?

    1. Christy Avatar

      I agree Courtney, thank you for stopping by.

  5. Pamela R Avatar

    so glad to be DONE with this stage—The TEENS are no picnic either!!!

    1. Christy Avatar

      Nope, it seems like it is always something going on. 😉

  6. Carla J Gardiner Avatar

    As a mom of two grown children and grandma of 7 I’ve seen a tantrum or two. I’ve never been one to give in to unrelentless spanking; however, a firm swat to the butt or a time out to their room sure worked for me. Times and methods may differ but firm guidance is what children are lacking these days and it shows.

  7. Marcie Avatar

    Oh you are so right Taylor tantrums can be difficult. Coming from an aide in childcare the thing that works for me is a time out. The child usual calms down and we can and moves on.

  8. Paul Wandason Avatar

    I think I’ve been really lucky with my first daughter and escaped the terrible twos. I have a feeling though, that my second is going to be a difficult one – thanks for sharing these great tips – I’m sure they’re going to come in real handy!

    1. Christy Avatar

      You are lucky Paul. I hope that these tips come in handy with your second child.

  9. TK Avatar

    I’ve been at the receiving end of many tantrums though my son’s not two yet! I prefer doing my own ‘time out’ so I can clearly think about how to handle the situation. Very often, he’s just tired or frustrated, so a hug calms him down.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I know that my son seems to throw more fits when he is tired or hungry. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Kate Avatar

    I think the most important thing when trying to combat the terrible twos is to avoid the power struggles. I try to give options: Do you want a banana or an apple? Do you want these pants or these pants? Plus, taking care of the physical needs (sleep and hunger) are a must for any sanity around here!!