Rascal the Chef

Rascal was off to see Santa Claus when we were heading to bed last night.  He stayed at the North Pole longer than he planned because he was sneaking back into the house when I got up this morning.  He scurried off to the refrigerator and pulled out the cinnamon rolls.   And he got out the cookie sheet so that he could fix the kids breakfast.  Then Rascal opened the can of cinnamon rolls and he jumped when the can popped.  That was a funny site to see, he jumped a few feet back and almost fell off of the kitchen counter.  Next Rascal placed the cinnamon rolls onto the cookie sheet and turned on the oven.  He put them into the oven and set the timer.

After the timer went off, Rascal got the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and put icing on them.  I went and woke up the kids, so that they could get ready for school.  When they came into the kitchen and saw that Rascal fixed cinnamon rolls. They were excited that they were having cinnamon rolls this morning for breakfast.

My toddler smiled and pointed to Rascal.  Rascal was sitting on the kitchen counter with the cinnamon roll can and a K-cup of coffee in his lap.

Rascal fixed cinnamon rolls and coffee for breakfast.  He is going to be a hyper elf.


Enjoy your breakfast!


Breakfast is served.


What will Rascal think of next?  Check back to find out.