How to Make Time Out an Effective Way to Modify Your Child’s Unwanted Behaviors

Tips to Make Time Out An Effective Way to Modify Your Child’s Behavior

  • Time out should be in a chair or a certain spot in your house so that when you tell your child to go to time out, they will automatically know where to go.
  • The amount of time a child should spend in time out should be equal or less than their age.  Spending too much time in time out can have negative consequences.
  • After their time is up, get down on their level and remind them that the behavior that they were doing is unacceptable.  Have them apologize if necessary.
  • A child doesn’t have to remain quiet during the entire time that they are in time out but you want them to be quiet and to quit throwing their fit before their time is up.
  • Use time out to target unwanted behaviors.
  • Do offer positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  • Your child’s time out location should be in a place that has limited distractions so that they can remain seated and able to still for their allocated amount of time.
  • If they do get up, place them back into time out without making any eye contact.  Also, reset their time.
  • Consistency is key for time out to become an effective tool.
  • Time out is an effective way to discipline a toddler or young child.

Do You Use Time Out to Modify Your Child’s Unwanted Behaviors?


8 responses to “How to Make Time Out an Effective Way to Modify Your Child’s Unwanted Behaviors”

  1. Amy @mommetime Avatar

    I concur… consistency is key when it comes to discipline. I have in the past used time-out; now that my kids are older I put their toys in time-out.

    1. Christy Avatar

      We take away the older kids toys or electronics as well when they get in trouble. It works pretty effectively.

  2. rhonda Avatar

    This is excellent. Dropping to their level with eye contact, letting them know you are serious, and consistency are definitely key. I’m so sorry, though to hear baby is not feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers.
    Awesome post, though. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you Rhonda for the prayers, I am thankful that he is feeling better. Maybe after a good nights sleep tonight, he will wake up in a better mood.

  3. The Rookie Dad Avatar

    We have followed each of these steps, and you know what they really do work. We always make sure to get down on his level and tell him what he did and if he will do it again… 9 times out of 10 he stops what he was doing. Time out is very effective.

  4. Lexie Lane Avatar

    Time out has been such a miracle for us! It really works! Consistency is also a major key to this as well! Good post Christy!

  5. Liz @ Pardon My Poppet Avatar

    We totally used Time outs too! We’re about to move and have been selling a few items in preparation. Didn’t realize when we sold a set of chairs from our living room that Poppet would be so upset we were selling “her” chair! Time out had become her place to calm down and regroup!

  6. Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club Avatar

    I agree about the consistency. Kids are smart, and just waiting for you to trip up;) You keep steady and keep control. This all gets a lot trickier when they are teenagers though!;)