Teaching Kids How to Go Green

Ways to Teach Your Kids to “Go Green”


eaching Children How to Shop GreenTake your child shopping so that they can see on what criteria you choose your products. This will make them learn that the cheapest is not always the best and that you have many choices to make. Teach them about the PVC signs, symbols for the recyclable or eco-friendly products. Show them the differences between the big supermarkets and the local businesses and why it is important to support them. Help them distinguish natural materials from those that are not recyclable. Teach them to think ahead and buy things that are reusable and that can be changed to serve different purpose.


Planting A Garden Going GreeeAnother way of learning about plants, their life and just how important but vulnerable they are is growing your own garden, together with your kid. It doesn’t have to be big, but it would be helpful if it could have at least one tree so that your child can learn about the importance of trees in the process of air production. Making them a witness of the whole process of plant life cycle will make your child more aware of the importance of their preservation and just how easily they can be harmed.


Teaching Children How to RecycleThere is a bit to know about recycling. There are different ways of disposing of garbage, especially if you want it to be recycled. Your child needs to know that and you need to show them how to sort it and how to dispose of it in a proper way, so that it can be reused or recycled. You can even inspire them to have their own ideas about how to reuse some things that cannot be used for their initial purpose. If you have the abilities, take them to the recycling center where they can see the whole thing in process. That will interest them for sure.


Teaching Kids How to Donate Old Toys Clothes and MoreKids learn the best when they are participating. Therefore, make sure that you create some projects for them that will help them get a better grasp of the whole green idea. It is important that they do it with their own hands and that they get involved because it is the most certain way for them to learn. If you cannot think of anything on your own, consult the internet as it is full of great examples. It can be as simple as upcycling (turning old things into new reusable products) or teaching your children how to donate their old toys, clothes, and other things that they no long use. 

In order to be more inspired to be environmentally friendly, it will help if the kids see the effects of the pollution. To show them such a thing, you can take them to the local landfill. You can also download some of the photos from the Internet, but make sure that they are not to cruel like animals being killed because it can be too much for them.

However, the most important thing to do is to set the example yourself. Buy the environmentally friendly products and your kids will do it just like you did. After all, you are their most important role model, so help them learn by looking at you.

What are you doing to teach your child/children about going green and saving the planet?



2 responses to “Ways to Teach Your Kids to “Go Green””

  1. Mrs. AOK Avatar

    These are all wonderful tips! We’re huge recyclers/repurposers 🙂

    1. Christy Avatar

      Awesome. Thank you for visiting.