Author: Uplifting Families

  • How Young is Too Young for the Internet?

    How Young is Too Young for the Internet?

    It is one of the worst nightmares for a parent. Their child gets on the Internet to simply play games, do some schoolwork, look up some family ancestry etc. Next thing you know, they are being stalked by an online predator or an identity theft thief hoping to cash-in on their youthfulness. For those parents…

  • Kids And Swimming: The Benefits

    Kids And Swimming: The Benefits

    Educating and motivating children to swim has substantial health and wellness benefits. Giving children access to year long swimming pools under supervision also helps encourage an active lifestyle. A controlled swimming environment helps facilitate confidence and motivation as they build strength and endurance and is something they can enjoy for the rest of their lives.…

  • Is Your Son Ready to Pop the Question?

    Is Your Son Ready to Pop the Question?

      For moms (and most dads for that matter), seeing your son ask for a woman’s hand in marriage is one of your proudest and most exciting times in life. In most cases, the answer is typically yes. On those occasions where the answer is no, trying to comfort your son can seem quite the…

  • Single Parenting: The Trials and Travails

    Single Parenting: The Trials and Travails

    The Trials and Travails of Single Parenting Rearing children in the 21st century with two parents can be hair-raising enough, and for a single parent coping on their own, it can be a downright scary prospect. You may even be an unmarried teenager trying to hold down a job while studying at the same time.…

  • Thinking of Moving to Australia: A Guide to Finding the Right Home

    Thinking of Moving to Australia: A Guide to Finding the Right Home

    Shifting country can be an exciting experience. Moving out of your comfort zone to a new place with the promise of a beautiful and adventurous prospects. Why Australia? According to wikipedia  Australia had 90,110 Americans in 2011. Australia remains one of the better countries for Americans to migrate to for the following reasons- Similar Culture…

  • Teenage Sex: Time To Open The Door Of Communication

    Teenage Sex: Time To Open The Door Of Communication

    If you are a parent, you undoubtedly worry about your child or children on a regular basis. In those early years, your concerns are likely focused on that they grow up healthy, avoid any major injuries when learning to walk, and that they form the right friendships in childhood, some of which they may carry…

  • Sappy Mother’s Day! Nah!

    Sappy Mother’s Day! Nah!

    Just because I put an ‘awww’ worthy picture in the beginning doesn’t mean the article would be a saccharine coated piece, that was just to lure the emotional mommy in you! Please don’t expect a sappy and sobby article about Mother’s Day, you will be neck deep in one of those today. Don’t get me…

  • Problems At School: Signs and Solutions

    Problems At School: Signs and Solutions

    ARE ‘KIDDIE’ PROBLEMS REALLY KIDDIE? As adults and parents, we have grand memories of our school days. Fun, pranks, games, competitions, exams, homework were all a part and parcel of the scenario. The bonds of friendship and respect that we forged stand us in good stead throughout our lives. We conveniently forget all our problems,…

  • The Best Ways to Care for Your Face

    The Best Ways to Care for Your Face

    Your face is the first thing people notice about you, so you want to make sure you’re always looking your best. Taking care of your skin and your appearance is a great way to keep your face looking great through the years. If you want to keep a great look, be sure to use the…

  • 7 Ways To Smooth Transition When Changing Schools For Your Child

    7 Ways To Smooth Transition When Changing Schools For Your Child

    Whoever said Change is good probably never had to convince a kid to change  schools, If he had to I am sure he would have run in the opposite direction shouting, let’s not change anything ever. Kids don’t appreciate changes a lot, I know most adults don’t either but it is especially hard on the…