A Busy Mom's Guide to Achieving Your New Year's Resolution

A Busy Mom’s Guide to Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution

Don’t Expect Instant Gratification

As you begin your journey, you must remember that it took time to gain the weight and it will take time to reach your goal weight.  To lose 1 pound of fat you must reduce your caloric intake by 3500 calories.  As people, begin working out they don’t see instant weight loss and immediately give up.  However, to safely lose weight you should focus on losing roughly a 1-2 pounds a week.  During your journey, you may hit a plateau where your weight loss will come to a stand still.  If you keep your focus on the long term goal, you will eventually overcome your weight loss plateau and continue losing weight.  You might have to vary your workout routine or may dietary changes, work with your doctor or a health trainer to assist you.

Set Attainable Goals

If you set unrealistic goals, you are setting yourself up for failure before you even start your weight loss or exercise journey.  As a busy mom, it is very important to set attainable goals if you want to reach your end goal.  Most mom’s are so busy taking care of family and house, most don’t have time to spend hours at the gym.  However, you still can still find an ample amount of time to focus on yourself.  What are some ways a busy mom can find time to exercise?

  • go walking together as a family
  • hit the gym a few times a week
  • find a workout program that you can do in the comfort of your home
  • purchase workout equipment
  • buy Wii or Xbox games that allow you to be active while having fun

Create Milestones and Set up Rewards for Each Milestone

The best way to achieve your goal to create several smaller goals.  Once your meet a milestone, reward yourself.  This not only gives you something to look forward too, but it helps keep you motivated.

Create Accountability

It is important for you to share your New Year’s resolution with your family and friends.  Family and friends can help you support your goals, but they can also help you when you are feeling defeated.  Work out or accountability partners are also a great idea.

Additional Benefits

Find additional benefits that could help motivate you to stick with your weight loss or exercise goals.  Many people feel better when they are getting proper nutrients or when they exercise. When you feel better your self-esteem and confidence improve.  You will find that you will begin to  feel better about yourself.  There are many additional benefits that you and your doctor can determine based on your current health condition.

Remove Obstacles or Barriers That Prevents Your From Obtaining Your End Goal

Remove any barriers or obstacles that can sabotage your weight loss or exercise goals.  Take a look at the overall picture and write down a list of all the things that you can think of that could prevent you from reaching your goals.  Once you have a list of barriers, write down ways that you could overcome each barrier.  For example, if your a busy mom finding time to exercise might be difficult for you some days.  Instead of carving out a set amount of time to exercise, you could break your exercise regiment into several small sessions.

What is your New Year’s Resolution?  What can I do to help support you?


7 responses to “A Busy Mom’s Guide to Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution”

  1. Pepper Tan Avatar

    Making resolutions is easy, sticking to them is difficult. But if we take baby steps at achieving our goals, we can make our dreams real.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I agree it isn’t easy to break old habits.

  2. Raine Avatar

    I never make resolutions because I never keep them. Those are some great tips. I get really frustrated when I try to work out, but don’t see any loss. I’ll try to remember that it takes time.

  3. Pamela R Avatar

    making small Attainable Goals through the year was my only goal this year =)

  4. Lolo Avatar

    Yes indeed! we´ll all make it this year… 2013´s the YEAR!

  5. Taylor Gilmore Avatar

    I never make long term resolutions. I agree with Pamela. Small attainable goals is the way to go!

  6. Jennifer H Avatar
    Jennifer H

    these are great tips!