Category: Parenting

  • Customized Team Apparel to Support Your Child’s Team #MC #MyLocker #Sponsored

    Customized Team Apparel to Support Your Child’s Team #MC #MyLocker #Sponsored

    “I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for MyLocker. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” I remember playing soccer in junior and high school. My parents often came to watch me play. My dad ended up getting…

  • Tips to Buy Preschool Clothes for your Little Ones

    Tips to Buy Preschool Clothes for your Little Ones

    Clothing your children doesn’t have to be expensive especially if your children are hard on clothes. At the beginning of the school year, I usually add a few pieces to my children’s wardrobe and then they almost always get new clothes for Christmas too. As a mom, I am all about saving money where I…

  • Toddlers and Tablets Unite – What Does That Mean for their Development?

    Toddlers and Tablets Unite – What Does That Mean for their Development?

    My youngest son learned how to use my phone at the age of two and we ended up buying him his own tablet. I was so worried that he would accidentally dial 911 while using my phone so when we found a cheap tablet we jumped on it. I know that some parents might think…

  • MilkSplash Makes Drinking Milk Fun Again + Enter to Win $500 #MilkSplashRecipe

    MilkSplash Makes Drinking Milk Fun Again + Enter to Win $500 #MilkSplashRecipe

    I have never been a huge fan of drinking milk and my kids probably don’t drink nearly enough milk each day either. I always have milk available for them to drink if they want it but I typically push them to drink more water instead. I remember when my youngest was about ready to make…

  • How to Prepare the Perfect Baby Shower

    How to Prepare the Perfect Baby Shower

    In most cases, the baby shower is organized by a family member or a close friend. In some cases, you can make a baby shower for yourself if nobody else offers and you can even have several baby showers. There are no strict rules about how it is done and what is supposed to happen…

  • Adjusting Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule to Daylight Savings Time

    Adjusting Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule to Daylight Savings Time

    Daylight Savings Time is quickly approaching and, for many moms, that leads to nervousness and anxiety about their baby’s sleep patterns. How will baby adjust to the time change? Will that mean an earlier wake up time for both little ones and their parents? A 2013 survey conducted by Pampers found that nearly one-quarter of mothers (24%) felt that a dry…

  • Excited About Your Newborn Coming Home? Prepare Everything Just Right!

    Excited About Your Newborn Coming Home? Prepare Everything Just Right!

    You can’t for the day when you’ll hold your newborn in your arms, can you! It’s definitely one of the most beautiful feelings in the world, something you cant compare to anything else. Yet, you are a first time parent and you are pretty cluless as to what to do. Sure, there’s love and plenty…

  • What To Do When Your Kid Is Shy?

    What To Do When Your Kid Is Shy?

    Do you remember your child’s first day in big school? Did he put the death grip on your leg? Did he look afraid, anxious, and uncomfortable? He is just probably shy. It is a common personality trait, not a fault. In fact, some are born with it. An infographic by shows 15 to 20%…

  • A Fun Guide to Having a Blast with Your Kids

    A Fun Guide to Having a Blast with Your Kids

    Let’s be honest, playing with your children counts only if both of you are having fun. We live in a time when playing with our children is often pushed aside. However, it is an important part of parenting and a good way to show that you always have time for them. Experts give a lot…

  • Find Out How to Get Best Price Offer for the Wholesale Baby Clothing

    Find Out How to Get Best Price Offer for the Wholesale Baby Clothing

    Parents usually love to dress up their tiny tots with the most fancy dress that they come across. Sometimes they do overlook and ignore the price of clothes but they could even opt for most affordable clothes if purchased after proper research. They could buy fancy clothes for their cuties within the most affordable budget…