Moms guide: 4 best crib mattresses for better sleep

We adults love our luxuries. A hot bath, a soothing massage, a steaming cup of hot chocolate – the little things that can make a big difference to our day.

And they can make a big difference to our nights, too. We’ll know this after any camping trip or festival weekend; stripped of luxuries like cosy pillows and downey duvets, our sleep often suffers. We never mind, though, really – because we know that after the adventure’s over we’ll be heading back to our home comforts. Our sleep sanctuary.

But what, then, about those little ones in our lives who haven’t yet learned how to ask for these creature comforts? They could be wheedling for a different mattress and, thinking they’re just hungry, we think a feed will do the trick.

(Of course, I’m not saying that food isn’t the answer to a lot of things. I for one, know the power a great chocolate bar can have, at any age!)

Still, sometimes a bad bed is at the heart of the problem; and to avoid confusion, it’s best to err on the side of comfort to begin with. That’s why a decent crib mattress should also be included in any baby lists you’ve dreamt up for those first few months.

Here are my top picks for crib mattresses that’ll have your bubs sleeping in the lap of luxury…

1. Colgate Eco Classica

Weighing in at just 10 pounds, this dual-sided mattress is both comfortable and versatile…not always an easy combination to find! The side to be used first is nice and firm, to stop them sinking in as their body develops. Once they’re a little older, and have outgrown their crib, you can use the other side in their new bed. Handy!

Made of 100% organic cotton, it’s also very lightweight and so sheet changes are a breeze. Good to know that you can flip it with one arm, since your other is probably occupied with cuddles.

2. Moonlight Slumber Little Dreamer

Another dual-side, organic number that gets my vote because it’s completely free from any of the bad stuff – vinyl, polyethylene and PVC have no home here! The water-resistant exterior makes it easy to clean up spills and the side stitching (as opposed to around the top) means that the overlap won’t leak into the mattress and turn into mould. Gross.

This one’s a little pricier but for me, the manufacturer’s safety/environmental precautions (and their reported excellent customer service) makes it worth every cent!

3. Simmons Kids Beauty Rest Beginnings

Waterproof, non-toxic and chemical free, this crib mattress is a great bet. Pocketed coil springs give your baby the support they need at this early stage…although they may not be as great for toddlers, who’ll be tempted to jump on them!

Still, the fact that it’s dual-sided means that this mattress can stick around for years after you first bring it home. Phew, less shopping for you then.

4. Safety First Heavenly Dreams

If you’re on a tighter budget, don’t worry – there are still some great options out there that are comfy for your baby and kind to your wallet.

I like the Heavenly Dreams mattress, not least because of its name! It may be covered in vinyl, but the upside of this is that stains don’t even get to settle before they’re wiped clean. In case a stain or smell does happen to find its way in, the mattress cover can be zipped off and popped into the washing machine.

The foam mattress is also very durable, meaning your investment is guaranteed to last. However, I must mention that unlike the others it is made from polyurethane foam, which does have its own risks.

As with most of the consumer goods available today, it’s best to go natural. These crib mattresses are kinder to the environment and they’re free from harmful chemicals and toxins, too. So personally, I’d recommend going for a completely non-toxic option like the first two on this list…but obviously, that’s your call to make!

Hopefully this post has shed some light within the maze that can be mattress shopping. Try out what works for you and your little one…and may you both have sweeter dreams as a result!



