What Risks Are Involved in Getting a Tattoo While Pregnant?

Possibility of Contracting a Disease

Even if your tattoo artist seems to be very clean, there is still a small chance that you could contact diseases that are transmitted via bodily fluids.  AIDS/HIV and Hepatitis B are the most common diseases that could be passed on to you and your baby if exposed.  Most diseases are passed via a dirty needle but you don’t always see what the artist does when you aren’t looking.

Stretched Out Tattoo

If you get a tattoo during early pregnancy, it is possible that the tattoo may become stretched while you are pregnant.  I am sure you can imagine, a stretched out tattoo wouldn’t be attractive and it may look saggy.  If this happens, you will have to have your tattoo touched up.  Some tattoo artists will recommend waiting until you are finished having children before committing to have any tattoos on your body, so that you don’t have to have them retouched.

A Tattoo Might Interfere With Getting an Epidural

Planning on getting a tattoo on your back?  If you have a fresh tattoo on your back, it is possible that the anesthesiologist may refuse to give you an epidural.  An epidural is a common form of pain relief that is delivered via a catheter that delivers numbing medicine into the spinal column.  An epidural carries it’s own risks and possible infection, but having a tattoo increases the odds of developing an infection.

Unnecessary Pain and Stress

Getting a tattoo can cause unnecessary pain and stress on your body.  This stress affects your baby as well.  Another reason it is a good idea to wait until you have your baby to get a tattoo, everyone handles pain and stress in different ways.  There are multiple trigger points throughout your body and getting a tattoo might accidentally trigger something that could cause you to miscarry or go into early labor.  If you aren’t full term, then you could end up with a pre-mature baby, that has to spend months in the NICU.

Did you wait until after you had your baby to get a new tattoo?  



8 responses to “What Risks Are Involved in Getting a Tattoo While Pregnant?”

  1. Columba Lisa Smith Avatar

    Great reasons I would not have thought of. I’ll remember these in case my daughter ever considers it! 🙂

    1. Christy Avatar

      Thank you for stopping by.

  2. rhonda Avatar

    I never considered getting a tattoo while I was pregnant, so I would’ve never thought to look this up. That said, I know there are some women who will want to do things to shake things up or have some fun before the big day (birth).

    This is excellent. How on earth did you come up with this topic!! Awesome info. Wow.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I wrote this post after watching a pg woman who wanted to get a tattoo either while breastfeeding or she was pregnant.

  3. Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club Avatar

    I am not a tattoo fan, so they are bad enough as it is for me with dire consequences in my opinion. On a pregnant woman is dire X 50, so thanks for pointing this out. You could apply that stretched out one to everyone. That tatoo you get in your 20’s is going to look pretty bad at about 50, and you have a lot more years to go beyond that for it to only get worse;) I can’t imagine choosing one permanent thing to wear for the rest of my life.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I am not really a fan of tattoos either. I considered getting a small one on my ankle at one point but chicken out because people says it hurts.

  4. Jennifer H Avatar

    Yes, I agree. Wait until afterwards. You’re hormones are all over the place and you may change your mind anyway. lol

    1. Christy Avatar

      Exactly Jennifer, thank you for sharing.