Chronic pain is similar to acute pain except that it lasts longer than 6 months. If you suffer from chronic pain, you aren’t alone. According to WebMd, over 100 million people in America suffer from some type of chronic pain. The pain can range from mild, episodic, and continuous. Over the last 3 years, I have had continuous chronic pain in my lower back. The constant pain takes a toll on my body and emotional state. I try to keep a positive attitude but some days it is a struggle.
Today, I wanted to share my top 5 must haves when it comes to managing my chronic pain.
Disclosure: I received a sample of Zim’s Max-Freeze Topical Analgesic Joint and Pain Relief in order to facilitate this post. All opinions of this product is 100% my own and I don’t recommend products that I don’t like or use on a regular basis.
Cell Phone/Laptop
My cell phone and laptop are my lifeline to the outside world. They keep me connected and I am able to distract myself long enough to push the pain aside for a few hours a day. I usually find a comfortable place to sit while I write, surf the internet, or play on my phone.
Heating Pad
I love my heating pad! I use it whenever I am cold in the wintertime or to help ease my sore muscles. In the winter time, I have noticed that I have more stiffness that is associated with the arthritis that has settled in my spine. The heating pad helps warm up my joints and makes it easier to move. Be careful when using heat for prolonged periods of time because it increases your chances of getting burns.
Ice Pack
I also am very fond of my ice pack. I use it when I am in a lot of pain or have muscle spasms. Ice also helps reduce swelling and reduces inflammation. It is important to leave the ice pack on sore spots for 20 minutes and to take breaks frequently during the day.
Topical Analgesic
I often get break through pain and have to treat it with over the counter products. I already take plenty of medications so I would rather use a topical analgesic such as Zim’s Max-Freeze roll-on. It helps temporarily to help relieve sore muscles, joints, and painful arthritis. I love the roll-on so that I don’t have to get my hands icky when I use it on my back, knees, or anything else that hurts. If you plan on using this topical analgesic, make sure that you follow the directions on the bottle. I love the smell and that it has a vanishing scent. Once you have applied the Max-Freeze, it instantly feels tingly as it goes to work. You can buy it on Amazon, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart and directly from Zim’s website.
Mattress Topper
We bought our bed a few years ago and it wasn’t nearly as soft as we hoped. So we bought one of those mattress topper’s for our bed. It was a great investment and has been a lifesaver since my chronic low back pain started shortly afterwards.
These are my top 5 favorite must have items that I use on a regular basis. If you suffer from chronic pain as well, I hope these products help make your pain more manageable. Remember it is best to try and stay positive through the ups and downs that come with chronic pain. If you are struggling with depression, fatigue, or any other symptoms make sure that you talk to your doctor about them. The more open you are with your doctor the easier it is for them to try and help you.
Enter to Win Zim’s Max-Freeze Topical Analgesic Joint and Pain Relief
One lucky winner will receive their choice of Zim’s Max-Freeze Topical Analgesic Joint and Pain Relief gel, roll-on, or spray. All entries will be verified. This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years and older. Void where prohibited by law.