What Type of Car Seat Do I Need?

In order to take your baby home from the hospital, you have to have a car seat.  A car seat will keep your baby safe and secure while in the car and protect them from injuries if you are involved in a car accident. There are several different types of car seats on the market and they all have different purposes, depending on the size of your baby.

 Disclosure:  This post is for informational purposes only.  If you have any problems installing your baby’s car seat, please visit the local fire department or police station for additional help. This post may contain affiliate links.

Infant Car Seats

Infant car seats are designed specifically for newborns and younger babies.  An infant car seat reclines more than a traditional convertible car seat.  They make carrying a baby in and out of the car easier, especially, if you baby happened to fall asleep in the car.  An infant car seat can accommodate a baby as small as 5 lbs.  A tiny baby can’t hold its head up or support their neck and the infant carrier supports their neck.  The infant carrier will hold a baby who weighs up to 22 lbs.  Most babies will be ready for a bigger car seat around 10 months to a year old, depending on their height and weight.  Most of the car seats come with a removable head rest and have a 5 point harness which helps keep your child secure.  The car seat comes with a built in level so that you can ensure that the seat is level for maximum safety.  You can also purchase an additional base for your car seat so that you don’t have to move the base back and forth between cars.

I remember that my son started getting very heavy towards the end, making it more difficult to get him in and out of the car or carry him around in his infant seat.   I loved having the ability to tote him around while he was sleeping, especially when he was younger.

Continue Reading: What Type of Car Seat Do I Need?


10 responses to “What Type of Car Seat Do I Need?”

  1. Columba Lisa Smith Avatar

    I remember the exhausting car seat days! It’s important to make sure the seat is firmly secured in place. Many parents don’t realize the seat isn’t properly installed. I remember learning to push the seat firmly down with my knee and fasten it with the seat belt clip. Very important piece of equipment! They save lives.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Yes, it is important for the car seat to be properly installed. In fact, I have a post to share some of those tips. I found installing a car seat is almost a full body workout, it isn’t easy making sure that they are installed tight enough so they don’t move.

  2. ceemee Avatar

    The infant car seat is great to tote around the baby without waking him, I loved to do that before, especially when I went on a nature walk with my children one time. Though, I must admit he became quite heavy and couldn’t fit anymore. That’s when we put him in a stroller.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I used to tote my son in an infant carrier until he got way to heavy. We would either attach his car seat to the stroller or put him in a basket if we were going to the store.

  3. Lexie Lane Avatar

    When I went to shop for my car seat, I picked up the cutest one rather than the most practical, lightweight one. Boy did I regret it!

  4. Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club Avatar

    I’m old enough to remember not wearing seat belts or having car seats when I was a child in the car. The safety is good of course, but the costs of all of these safety features is a new part of parenting.

    1. Christy Avatar

      Courtney you are right all the baby gear that you need for a new baby is expensive, especially, the first year.

  5. Debra S Avatar
    Debra S

    Glad you shared about extended rear facing. Most people turn their kids forward before they should be and it’s so frustrating that no one educates them. I made the mistake with my first born because no one told me. Moms need to speak up! I prefer convertible seats because they rear face longer. Most infant car seats only last a couple months. Total waste of money. And they should not be used as carriers – another reason not to spend the money.

    1. Christy Avatar

      I loved the infant car seat when my babies were small. I didn’t like them slumping over in a bigger seat.

      I am glad that authorities are enforcing rear facing for an extended amount of time. If you are involved in a wreck, it is safe and can cause less injury to your baby.

  6. Aaron Avatar

    Always be careful while choosing low budget cars, check for adjustable latch and make sure the seat belt locks to help get a tight fit.