Category: Parenting Resources
5 Home Upgrades to Help Patients with Limited Mobility Ailments
Did you know that over 19 million people suffer from some type of limited mobility issues? The people in this study told medical experts that their problems began before they turned 50 years old. The study also confirmed that mobility issues aren’t strictly limited to elderly patients. Mobility issues not only affect you physically but many people…
Learn Why Children Need to Learn How to Use Computers – Computers Are All Around Us
Technology is everywhere and your child is going to have to learn how to use it. It is amazing that when my daughter was about three years old, she knew how to turn on the computer and let it boot up. Once it was up, she would double click on the icon for her game…
Top Three Things to Consider When Choosing a Drug or Alcohol Treatment Facility for Your Teenager or Family Member
Do you suspect that your teenager is caught up in the wrong crowd and experimenting with drugs or alcohol? As a parent if our children end up getting caught up doing things that we don’t approve of, we automatically wonder what we did wrong and ponder if there was anything else that could have been…
Steps to Keeping Your Home Safe From Burglary and House Fires
Often, we forget about the troubles that exist in our world and unknowingly succumb to and invite them into our lives. Half of the time, we are in denial about the likelihood of something terrible happening to us or our families. The truth is, anything can happen to anyone. In our homes, whether new or…
The Ultimate Guide For Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is designed to address language and speech related disorders in humans. They can also provide preventive care before the onset of severe language and speech impairments. Speech therapy is provided by a speech therapist, who is a health professional. A majority of patients suffer from conditions like stutter, speaking with improper rhythms, late…
7 Tips to Picking the Right Summer Camp For Your Child
Do you send your kids off to summer camp each year? If not, now is a great time to consider it. I realize that it is the middle of winter but if you want the best camp selection now is the time to start planning now. Summer camp is more than singing and spending plenty…
The Impact of Medical Mistakes on the Family
Medical malpractice doesn’t just affect the patient; it affects the family as well. Imagine that you are an expectant mother leaking amniotic fluid in the last few weeks of her pregnancy. You go to your OB-GYN who tells you everything is fine, so you go about your business until the day of delivery, when you discover that your baby…
The ABC’s of Health Insurance
Disclosure: I would like to thank United Health Care for sponsoring today’s post. This post is for informational purposes only and you should contact a plan administrator if you have any detailed questions about choosing a heath care plan. If you don’t currently have a health insurance policy, now is the time to get signed…