Category: Trying to Conceive
5 Fertility Issues In Vitro Fertilization Overcomes
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has come a long way since the world’s first “test tube baby” was born in 1978. Since then, IVF has evolved from a mysterious cure for infertility to a well-known and well-respected practice. Additionally, IVF has advanced scientifically to the point that it can overcome many more fertility issues than just…
Fitness Tips For A Better Pregnancy
Many women during their pregnancy days hear a number of advices from people. “Do not squat or lunges, as they can cause you preterm labor…”” I have not seen any women lifting weight before…”etc. All the pregnant women hear such sorts of advices during their pregnant days. Photo Credit: Pregnancy.Org People are not sure about…
Tips to Help Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant with Irregular Periods #tryingtoconceive
Are you struggling to get pregnant because you have irregular periods? Irregular periods happen when your menstrual cycle isn’t like clockwork. Most women get their period every 28 to 30 days. There are about 30% of women who are in their childbearing years that don’t get their period on a “normal” schedule. Irregular periods can…
4 Tips to Help you Concieve #TTC #Astroglide #babystory #Conception #Fertility
I remember when we started trying to have a baby about two years after we got married and I remember thinking that I would fall pregnant right away. I was quite shocked when aunt flo would make her appearance and I wasn’t pregnant after the first few months of trying.
Do You Remember When You Realized That You Wanted to Be a Mom? #Clearblue #CleverGirls #sponsored
Photo Credit: Flickr Do you remember when you realized that you wanted to be a mom? I remember growing up that I always wanted to be a mom at a fairly young age. Growing up I had a whole bunch of cabbage patch kids and I would even put them under my shirt so that…
How Contraception Can Affect Fertility
There are now more forms of contraception choices available than ever before, meaning you shouldn’t struggle to find a method that suits you. You can take your pick from options including the pill, implant, injections, patch, caps, condoms, intrauterine device (IUD) and more. There is also the morning after pill for emergency situations. However, depending…
Ways to Boost your Immune System during Pregnancy
You’re pregnant! Congratulations! Let your wonderful family live long and happy life and your growing baby be healthy, smart and gorgeous! For you and your baby to be healthy, it’s vital that you take proper care of your immune system before, during and after pregnancy. Your little baby needs a healthy and safe place to…
Knowing More about HCG Normal Levels of HCG and Progesterone During Pregnancy
Once you have gotten a positive pregnancy test, your body is going through lots of changes in order to make a healthy baby. Most moms don’t know the exact day that they conceived so your doctor will calculate your due date based upon your last menstrual period or they will use a dating ultrasound, especially,…
What is IVF Surrogacy?
Pregnancy is supposed to be a joyous occasion. However, when couples can’t get pregnant or carry a baby to term it can be devastating. There are plenty of options for couples to consider including IVF treatments, IVF Surrogacy, and adoption. Today, Lynne, shared some valuable information about IVF Surrogacy. About IVF Surrogacy Surrogacy can be…
Smoking During Pregnancy – What Risks Are Involved For Me and My Baby?
I remember when I found out that I was pregnant with my youngest son, I stumbled upon the pregnancy forum on Baby Center. Baby center has a birth club for the birth month and year that my baby was due so that you could connect with mothers who were experiencing the same things that you…