5 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For It To Be Fall A Season of Change

5 Reasons Why I Can’t Wait For It To Be Fall – A Season of Change

The Pretty Fall Colors

I love it when the trees start changing colors and displaying the pretty red, orange, and yellow tones.  Everything is still fairly green if it happened to survive the hot, dry summer Texas heat.  I hope to see the pretty colors of fall in the next few weeks.  I

Football Season

Football season is a very busy time in our household, my daughter is in marching band and it involves ton of band rehearsals and late nights trips to the school to pick her up from the games.  In a few years, I will miss the busyness and the all of the time that I get to spend with my daughter.  Of course, you can’t forget about professional football.  If you are an avid twitter user like me, you should check out the #nflgirlfriends chat channel.  It is a fun way to connect with a great group of women while we are cheering on our favorite football teams.

Holidays are Quickly Approaching

This year has gone by so quickly.  I am kinda excited that the holiday’s are quickly approaching but at the same time it feels like it is too soon.  Can you believe it that Thanksgiving is in 71 days and Christmas is in 98 days?  Yikes!  I love the holidays because I get to spend extra time with my family and extended family.  I am trying to decide if I am going to bring back Rascal (my elf of the shelf) again this year.  I had so much fun hiding him last year but by the time December 24th rolled around, I felt like I was running out of creative ideas.

I have enjoyed spending extra time with my older children over the summer and I am blessed to have had that opportunity.  Since, I have started homeschooling my toddler a few weeks ago, he has been begging me to go outside so that he could play.  I told him it was way too hot to go outside in play.  It made me realize that I was ready for some cooler weather so that we could spend some time outside.  I decided to share this post so that we can all be thankful that seasons change and we don’t have to deal with the constant heat or cold temperatures all year long.


Bible Verse From Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time for war and a time for peace.

Are you ready for fall?  Please share what you love about fall!




6 responses to “5 Reasons Why I Can’t Wait For It To Be Fall – A Season of Change”

  1. Trista Avatar

    AMEN! I feel the same way, I cannot wait for fall, My favorite colors!!

  2. Tiffany (NatureMom) Avatar

    Apples, baking, and Halloween…can’t beat it. 🙂

  3. Candace Avatar

    You have got me really excited about Fall now! I love halloween too. My youngest is 11 so I’m not sure how many trick or treats I have left. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of the blessings of Fall!

  4. Sharon O'Day Avatar

    I live in South Florida, so we hold our breaths all summer long in order to enjoy the wonderful winters. So, yes, bring it on! 😉

  5. Jenn Willey Avatar

    Living in Southern California, we’ve had such a mild summer – until August hit. Then it was for us “HOTTT” Loving the change of weather and ready to get out sweaters, ugg boots and holiday decorations!

  6. […] also love fall because that means tons of fun fall activities including Halloween. Today, I wanted to share with […]