Category: Parenting

  • Learn Why Thrift Shopping with Kids is a Great Idea

    Learn Why Thrift Shopping with Kids is a Great Idea

    It is no secret that a lot of families are struggling to make ends meet at the moment, or that keeping children equipped with all the things they need can be an expensive task. If you are wondering just how to keep your growing child in things like clothes and shoes and this is a…

  • 8 Ways to Save Money on Your Child’s College Expenses #FinancialPeace

    8 Ways to Save Money on Your Child’s College Expenses #FinancialPeace

    My daughter is a junior in high school and she is already having to figure out what she wants to do after she graduates from high school. It is hard to believe that she will be walking across the stage in a year and a half. At this time she hasn’t decided where she wants…

  • 9 Fun Christmas Traditions for the Entire Family

    9 Fun Christmas Traditions for the Entire Family

    When I was growing up, I always remember Santa coming to visit my house when I was younger. He would come through the front door and you could hear the bells from a mile away. My brother and I would come running into the living room to greet the man in the red suit. He…

  • Give Your Child the Gift of Learning with Animal Trackers Club #AnimalTrackersClub

    Give Your Child the Gift of Learning with Animal Trackers Club #AnimalTrackersClub

    Animal Trackers is a cute subscription box that you can use to help teach your preschooler about their animals. I have been working with my youngest son on learning to spot different types of animals since he was fairly young. He started learning how to identify and make animal sounds in daycare. So when we…

  • Holidays in the Hospital: 8 Ways You Can Help

    Holidays in the Hospital: 8 Ways You Can Help

    The holidays are usually a time when we are more eager to give and help those in need, especially basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. We donate winter coats and we volunteer in soup kitchens. But what about those who have everything they need and are suddenly thrown a curve ball and end up…

  • Learn More About Early Genetic Testing During Early Pregnancy

    Learn More About Early Genetic Testing During Early Pregnancy

    Richard Dawkins, an atheist, recently tweeted that mothers should abort their babies early in the pregnancy if they learn their baby has downs syndrome. Many parents are faced with the decision to get additional testing between weeks 11 and 14 called Nuchal Translucency screening (NTS).  This test is used to help determine whether a child is…

  • Allow Your Child To Explore The World Around Them With Realistic Boundaries

    Allow Your Child To Explore The World Around Them With Realistic Boundaries

    Babies and toddlers need instruction as they begin exploring the world around them.  Many parents find that they are constantly telling their child No, redirecting them, or chasing after them.  It is important that you are consistent with their boundaries, so that the child learns early that when you tell them to do something that you mean…

  • My Daughter was a Hero Yesterday Afternoon

    My Daughter was a Hero Yesterday Afternoon

    I have always tried to raise my children to be compassionate towards other people and yesterday my daughter amazed me.  I was busy writing an article yesterday afternoon about the time that my daughter normally arrives home. I didn’t think to much about her being late (she rides the bus home) and sometimes she is…

  • Six Educational (and fun) Outings for Pre-schoolers

    Six Educational (and fun) Outings for Pre-schoolers

    There are plenty of educational games and activities to enjoy with your preschool-aged child at home, but sometimes it’s good to get out in the world and learn something new. Field trips can break up your routine and stimulate both of your minds, while spending some special time together with your little one. Stuck for…

  • Slugs & Bugs Under Where CD

    Slugs & Bugs Under Where CD

    My youngest son has always loved music and when I had the opportunity to review a cute children’s cd, I jumped at the opportunity. When I received it in the mail, I opened up the CD Slugs and Bugs Under Where and showed it to my youngest son. He immediately wanted me to play it.…