Category: Parenting

  • Things to Take Care of Before the Baby Arrives

    Things to Take Care of Before the Baby Arrives

    I remember those final few weeks of my pregnancy, I remember nesting with my older two kids and I never did with my third baby because I was in so much pain. I struggled with SPD which makes any movement very painful. As you are preparing for the arrival of your baby, Diana Smith, shared…

  • 10 Tips for a Healthier, Eco-Friendly Baby Nursery

    10 Tips for a Healthier, Eco-Friendly Baby Nursery

    Are you currently expecting? Most parents always enjoy decorating the babies room a few weeks before the estimated due to so that they are prepared for the baby’s arrival. I remember when I was getting my youngest son’s bedroom ready, we didn’t have anything left from my previous children and had to get new stuff…

  • 7 Eco Friendly Back to School Supplies From The Ultimate Green Store

    7 Eco Friendly Back to School Supplies From The Ultimate Green Store

    This summer is already flying by and before I know it my two older kids will be back in school. This makes me sad because I have been enjoying the extra time with all three of my kids. In less than 8 weeks, I will be preparing to send them back to school and I…

  • Teaching My Children How to Help Others in Need

    Teaching My Children How to Help Others in Need

    A few years ago, I was eating dinner with my children before we headed off to church. We were talking and enjoying our meal, when a man walked up to me and asked me if I had a few dollars to give him so that he could get something to eat. I told him that…

  • 7 Ways to Decorate Your Child’s Bathroom

    7 Ways to Decorate Your Child’s Bathroom

    I have been lucky enough for my kids to have their own bathroom since they were babies and I loved adding small touches to make it their own. If you are renting and can’t paint the bathroom, don’t worry you still can add personal touches to your children’s bathroom simply by adding some personal accessories.…

  • Keep Momming

    “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Shire. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.” The relationship that exists between mothers and daughters is unlike any other. It has many unique moments, memories, and yes, even challenges along the way. The relationship dynamic can be…

  • Making the Most of Your Childs Well-Child Visit

    Making the Most of Your Childs Well-Child Visit

    If your are currently expecting or have a newborn baby, during the first two to three years of your child’s life several well baby check ups every few months. Well check-ups are very important and they should not be skipped. The reason that your child’s pediatrician or doctor schedules well check helps prevent as many illnesses…

  • Baby Proofing Your Home’s Outdoor Space

    Baby Proofing Your Home’s Outdoor Space

    My kids have always enjoyed spending time outdoors even as a baby. I always allowed them to go outside as long as I was supervised them. Now that my kids are older, I will allow them to play outside by themselves except for my youngest simply because I don’t want him to hurt himself. The…

  • 4 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe Around The Pool

    4 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe Around The Pool

    Summer is in full swing and many families spend time at the swimming pool. If you have a pool in your own backyard, you should take extra precautions if you have children or have children over to spend time with you during the summer. Today,  I wanted to share with you some pool safety tips from…

  • Useful Tips for Shopping with Children

    Useful Tips for Shopping with Children

    I remember after having my older son, that life got more difficult with having two children to keep up with every-time I went shopping or wanted to run any errands. At the time my son was a baby and my daughter was 4 years old, thankfully she was old enough to walk and didn’t rely…