Category: Parenting

  • Working Moms: Daycare Arrangements Need to Be Made Before Your Baby is Born

    Working Moms: Daycare Arrangements Need to Be Made Before Your Baby is Born

    Are you planning on returning to work after your maternity leave is over?  If so, you need to begin thinking about where you want your child to go to  daycare at while you are at work.  In fact, you need to begin your researching your options roughly five or six months ahead of time to…

  • Teen Suicide is on the Rise: Parents Learn the Warning Signs of Teen Suicide

    Teen Suicide is on the Rise: Parents Learn the Warning Signs of Teen Suicide

    This morning I was watching the news while I was eating my breakfast and caught the tale end of a  news story about teen suicide.  This isn’t the first news story that I have heard on the news about teens trying to commit suicide or actually following through with it.  In fact, teen suicide is…

  • How Can I Determine if My Baby is Allergic to Formula or Dairy Products in Breast Milk?

    How Can I Determine if My Baby is Allergic to Formula or Dairy Products in Breast Milk?

    If you read my blog post yesterday about “Does My Baby Need a Specialty Formula?“, you probably noticed that I briefly mentioned that some mom’s felt that their baby seemed to be having issues digesting the cow’s milk formula (regular formula).  Allergies are on the rise  and more parents are seeing that their infant possibly…

  • Does My Baby Need a Specialty Formula?

    Does My Baby Need a Specialty Formula?

    Yesterday day I wrote a post called “Choosing the Right Type of Formula for Your Baby?”  If you read this post, you will find out how overwhelming it can be to pick a formula for your child.  Most parents start out with a cow’s milk based formula which is tolerated by most babies.  Some babies…

  • Choosing the Right Type of Infant Formula for Your Baby?

    Choosing the Right Type of Infant Formula for Your Baby?

    When I was pregnant with my each one of my children, I knew from the beginning that I was planning on breastfeeding my babies.  Breastfeeding was a personal preference and I realize that not everyone wants to or can breastfeed their baby.  I am the type of person who urges new mom’s to try breastfeeding…

  • Why Does My Baby’s Chin Quiver Occasionally?

    Why Does My Baby’s Chin Quiver Occasionally?

    I was at church on Sunday and was gazing at the newest baby in our extended family.  I noticed that the baby’s chin was quivering.  As a seasoned mom, I knew that this was a normal and that it is caused by a baby’s immature nervous system.  As a first time mom, seeing your baby’s…

  • What to Expect When Your Child Is Getting Two Year Molars?

    What to Expect When Your Child Is Getting Two Year Molars?

    Today my youngest got to spend the day with me, he started running a low grade fever last night and acted like he didn’t feel very good.  I decided that is was best to keep him home from daycare so that he could get some extra rest while I monitored his fever.  It was nice…

  • Ring Around the Rosie: Learn The Truth Behind This Popular Nursery Rhyme and Game

    Ring Around the Rosie: Learn The Truth Behind This Popular Nursery Rhyme and Game

    Do you remember playing Ring Around the Rosie as a child?  I do!  I remember playing this game when I was fairly young.  When my son came home from daycare a few days ago saying “posies, posies” while grabbing his older brother’s hand.  I was trying to figure out what he was talking about.  My…

  • Teaching Your Toddler How to Have Good Manners: Please and Thank You

    Teaching Your Toddler How to Have Good Manners: Please and Thank You

    Do you want your child to be polite in public?  Do you want them to say “please” and “thank you” when they are offered things?  If so, it is important that you begin teaching your child how to have appropriate manners early on.  In fact, the earlier you begin teaching your child the better off…

  • Hearing Aids Were an Epic Fail – My Daughter’s Story

    Hearing Aids Were an Epic Fail – My Daughter’s Story

    I moved from Texas to North Carolina, when my daughter was almost 5 months old.  It took us about a month to get settled into our new home.  After we got settle it was time to begin determining what the next step was to correct my daughter’s hearing loss.  Being new to the area, I…