Tag: teenagers

  • “No” isn’t the Only Answer: Helping Your Teens During Impressionable Years

    “No” isn’t the Only Answer: Helping Your Teens During Impressionable Years

    All throughout school what I saw on the news led me to believe the only answer to the big questions I had at the time was to just say “NO”. But, as a teen you’re naturally rebellious and you’re inquisitive about the world around you. When you hear “no” it only makes you want to…

  • 11 Ways to Keep Your Preteen and Teenagers Occupied This Summer

    11 Ways to Keep Your Preteen and Teenagers Occupied This Summer

    I have two teenagers in my house and they have only been out of school less than a week. I have already heard the “im bored” statement a few times. This drives me completely crazy considering there is a ton of things around the house that they can do on a daily basis to occupy…

  • How to Help Our Troubled Teenagers {Infographic}

    How to Help Our Troubled Teenagers {Infographic}

    Being a teenager is often a difficult time for some children as they are trying to figure the world out. Being a teenager today is pretty stressful compared to the days when I was growing up. Back then you often dealt with face to face problems, school pressure, possibly conflicts with your parents, and we…

  • How to Talk To Your Tweens or Teens About Tough Topics #FindYourBold #ad

    How to Talk To Your Tweens or Teens About Tough Topics #FindYourBold #ad

    Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Sverve and Ore-Ida®. All opinion are 100% my own. Do you make the time to sit down at the table for dinner? Did you know that families who eat meals together have kids who are happier and feel more secure? I totally get it that most families are pulled…

  • Mission Impossible: Motivating a Teenager

    Mission Impossible: Motivating a Teenager

    It is quite a difficult age when they are just teens, both for them and the parents. Not only do hormones start to kick in, together with mood swings, but their personality also changes, and it becomes really hard to stay on track with them. They form their own worlds, stop sharing things with their…