Tricking or treating is a big deal for many children. Most children look forward to playing dress up in their favorite super hero, ghosts, goblins, animals, and other Halloween costumes. Parents no longer want their children going door to door and roaming the streets on Halloween night even with adult supervision. In fact over the last decade, more parents are searching for safer Halloween activities for the safety of their children. Most of the safe Halloween alternatives are safe, fun, and offer family friendly activities for the whole family to enjoy.
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Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is a fairly new idea and it is becoming increasingly popular as parents are looking for alternative ways for their children to have a safe and fun Halloween. It is a great way for children to safely go Trick or Treating without having to worry about going door to door and walking up and down the street. In fact, parents also enjoy taking their child or children to a centralized location so that they don’t have to worry about walking through the neighborhood in the dark with their children. A trunk or treat is typically held at a church, organization, or a group of people who are willing to pass out candy or have the children play games for prizes. Many people decorate their trunks with Halloween decor, scary decorations, or other fun ideas as a way to reach people in their community.
The Mall
If you are looking for another safe alternative to Trick or Treating, you should check out your local mall. Retailers and departments stores will often will hand out goodies to all of the children who are dressed up in costumes while supplies last without having to worry about traffic. It is also a great alternative for younger children, especially, if it is cold or rainy outside.
Boo at the Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo and many other local zoo’s offer Halloween festivities for the whole family. Boo at the Zoo is family friendly and all children must wear family friendly costumes. The zoo personal will pass out goodies for the children at a select number of treat stations (the number of treat stations available depends on the zoo) around the zoo. While at the zoo your children can also enjoy live animal presentations, clown shows, chats from the animal keepers, see a few of their favorite animals, and much more. For pricing information, please visit the your zoo’s local website.
Check Your Local Area for Other Events
For more safe family friendly Halloween alternatives, check your local newspaper or news station for more information. Some local cities and towns provide safe Halloween alternatives depending on the area that you live in.
Trick or Treating in Your Neighborhood
If you plan on allowing your children to go Trick or Treating, parents you should ensure that your children follow these safety tips.
- Go Trick or Treating With Your Children – Children should always have an adult or go in a large group depending on the ages of your children (preferably with adult supervision). Never allow your children to go door to door alone unless you personally know someone (ie neighbors, relatives, friends). Traveling in a large group makes it is easier for other cars and people to see you and it makes you less of a target. It is important that you teach your children to only go to those houses that they actually know the people, this will keep your kids and their candy safe.
- Inspect Their Candy – Always inspect their candy before you allow them to eat it. If you don’t know the person, throw out any homemade treats. Also, look for candy that looks like it has been tampered with, has holes, tears, rips, or is coming unwrapped. When in doubt toss it out!
- Carry A Flashlight – Carrying a flashlight will help keep you and your children safe once the sun goes down. You can use the flashlight to light your path but it will also allow other people and cars to see you.
- Carry a Cell Phone – If you typically don’t carry a cell phone, you should carry one when you are out Trick or Treating with your family. A cell phone can be useful in the event of an emergency or you can use it to call your spouse or friend to come pick you and the kids up if they get worn out.
- Check the Sex Offenders List – Most parents don’t think about making sure that their children are safe year round, but on Halloween night it is possible for children to accidentally stumble upon a registered sex offender. Knowing where they reside can help you talk with your children and so that you can discuss what a sex offender is. Parent, give your children tips so that they remain safe if they happen to run into a registered sex offender. In most areas, registered sex offenders are required to go to a sponsored event on Halloween night so that they aren’t at home. However, it is possible that they weren’t required to go or there wasn’t a sponsored event for them to attend. If you aren’t aware of the laws, a registered sex offender is NOT allowed to participate in Halloween events (ie passing out candy, goodies, gifts, ect). In fact, if you see a registered sex offender’s house with their porch light on, please alert local authorities.
Where do you take your child Trick or Treating? Do you have any other Halloween Safety Tips that you use to keep your kids safe?

8 responses to “3 Family Friendly Alternative Halloween Activities”
i’d never heard of trunk or treat, it doesn’t sound a bad idea at all!
They have been around for a few years in Texas and are fairly popular. 🙂
I have noticed that there are fewer and fewer Trick or Treaters coming to my apartment door these days–only the couple that live in the building and they appear with their parents. Our town does hold a Halloween Day–so the kids do not miss out.
My son goes Trick or Treat-ing at the mall. The stores here are very generous when it comes to treats for the kids. 🙂
I heard about trunk or treat a bit. But I never tried it. Boo at the Zoo is so funny and interesting and a one of the new way for trick or treat. Kids always loves the fun during Halloween. You have given great safety tips too, so as to enjoy happiness as well.
great tips you got here … my family loves to go trick or treating in the mall …
I guess times have changed. Things felt so much more relaxed when I was a kid. I did have my candy stolen once by a lame guy. Turned out he lived very close to a police officer and I think he ended up regretting that decision …
[…] you looking for a quick meal idea for dinner on Halloween night before you head out to go trick or treating? The kids will love these cute mummy hot dogs. Pick up the following ingredients: crescent rolls or […]