Category: Parenting

  • Failed Newborn Hearing Screening – My Daughter’s Story

    Failed Newborn Hearing Screening – My Daughter’s Story

    Once I received news that my daughter failed her repeat newborn hearing screening, we were quickly referred to the local children’s hospital and to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor for further evaluation.  Things moved fairly quickly and my daughter was scheduled to have another type of hearing test to determine how much hearing…

  • Newborn Hearing Screening – My Daughter’s Story

    Newborn Hearing Screening – My Daughter’s Story

    I remember the day that I went into labor with my daughter, we were out celebrating my mother’s birthday and just as I was getting ready to crawl into bed.  I heard a pop and knew instantly that my water had broke.  Of course, I should have known better but I immediately ran to the…

  • Why Do Puzzles Make Great Learning Tools?

    Why Do Puzzles Make Great Learning Tools?

    Yesterday when I went to pick up my son from daycare, he was playing and having a great time.  The teacher was letting all of the kids in his classroom play with puzzles and my son was trying very hard to get the puzzle pieces into the right spot.  It was fun to watch him…

  • Baby Mittens Help Keep your Newborn From Scratching Their Face

    Baby Mittens Help Keep your Newborn From Scratching Their Face

    Does your newborn constantly have scratch marks on their face?  As a mom, this used to drive me crazy because I didn’t want my beautiful babies face all scratched up.  When my oldest son was a baby, I found these cute mittens that covered up his hands to keep him from scratching up his face…

  • 13 Signs that Your Toddler Is Ready to Start Potty Training

    13 Signs that Your Toddler Is Ready to Start Potty Training

    A few weeks ago, I decided that it was time to let my son pick out a potty seat.  We choose to get a potty seat that easily fits on the regular toilet, so that I wouldn’t have to retrain him to use the big potty once he had potty training down.  Besides that the…

  • Basic Essential Baby Items: 16 Baby Items that You Need to Care for a Newborn

    Basic Essential Baby Items: 16 Baby Items that You Need to Care for a Newborn

    Babies will never judge their parents for the amount of stuff that they had when they were little or didn’t have when they were babies.  In fact, most babies only need a few basic necessities in order to be adequately cared for and they don’t need a bunch of fancy things.  A baby will use…

  • 15 Tips for Dad To Bond With Their Newborn Baby

    15 Tips for Dad To Bond With Their Newborn Baby

    Dad, do you feel as if you are having trouble bonding with your baby?  Many dad’s feel as if it is harder to bond with their newborn baby, especially, if mom chooses to breast feed their baby.  If you are feeling left out and can’t participate in your baby’s feedings, use these 15 tips to…

  • 4 Alternative Ways to Discipline Your Toddler or Young Child

    4 Alternative Ways to Discipline Your Toddler or Young Child

    If you don’t like using time out to discipline your toddler or young child, there are other forms of discipline that may work better for you and your family or you can use a combination of discipline methods.  Remember that each child responds differently to discipline methods.  One child may respond to a variety of discipline methods, while another…

  • How to Make Time Out an Effective Way to Modify Your Child’s Unwanted Behaviors

    How to Make Time Out an Effective Way to Modify Your Child’s Unwanted Behaviors

    My son stayed home with me again today so that he could continue to heal and so that I could make sure that he was fever free before sending him back to daycare.  He acts like he is feeling much better today and his fever finally broke last night.  Thank goodness, I don’t like it…

  • 6 Things You Should Discuss With Your Child’s Doctor

    6 Things You Should Discuss With Your Child’s Doctor

    My son was still running a fever all day yesterday so I decided to schedule him an appointment to go see the doctor.  We got to the doctor’s office and my son was talking up a storm and seemed happy.  He wasn’t acting sick at all and I was worried that the doctor wouldn’t find…