Category: Parenting

  • Fever and Taking Your Child’s Temperature: When Should You Worry?

    Fever and Taking Your Child’s Temperature: When Should You Worry?

    This morning my baby woke up with a fever and I knew that something was wrong since he just finished taking a round of antibiotics from his last illness less than two weeks ago.  When I took his temperature this morning, it was 103 degree using a rectal thermometer.  In the past, we have ran him to…

  • What Developmental Milestones Should I Expect to See During Baby’s First Year

    What Developmental Milestones Should I Expect to See During Baby’s First Year

    Milestones are guidelines that doctors and health care providers use to determine if your child has a developmental delay or has a potential disability.  Remember that all babies develop and grow at different rates.  Many parents are guilty of comparing their child to another child that is around the same age and they begin thinking…

  • What are Infant Developmental Milestones and Are They Important?

    What are Infant Developmental Milestones and Are They Important?

    Many parents often wonder if their child is behind, on schedule, or ahead for their age of development.  Milestones were created to be used as a guide for parents and health care professionals to determine if a child needs additional help to meet delayed milestones and use them to determine if a child has a…

  • What to Expect When Your Baby is Teething? {Guest Post}

    What to Expect When Your Baby is Teething? {Guest Post}

    Teething is a notoriously tricky time for young children and can be of a nightmare for parents. It usually begins at around the age of 6 months when the front teeth start to erupt, but this can vary significantly. Some children do not develop any teeth until after their first birthday. This natural stage of…

  • Create a Well Disciplined Child From the Start

    Create a Well Disciplined Child From the Start

    A mother begins a connection with her baby, while he or she is in the womb.  Any mother who has had a child can explain, that carrying a child is an amazing feeling.  Those first few kicks, jabs, punches, to getting hiccups several times a day, and those nights where you can’t get comfortable.  Once…

  • Learn Why Books Are Important for Your Baby’s Development

    Learn Why Books Are Important for Your Baby’s Development

    Babies begin to hear your voice around 16 after they are conceived.  So they begin learning how to listen while inside of the womb.  As, your babies hearing develops they will begin hearing other sounds besides their mommy’s voice and can even recognize those sounds once he or she is born.  A baby is similar…

  • How Does Media Affect the Way Our Children Think?

    How Does Media Affect the Way Our Children Think?

    I did an experiment once when I was in college. Well, it was both an experiment and an attempt to better myself by limiting the type of media that I watched and listened to.  For two entire months I did not watch a single TV show or movie.  I avoided media such as video games…

  • What Type of Car Seat Do I Need?

    What Type of Car Seat Do I Need?

    In order to take your baby home from the hospital, you have to have a car seat.  A car seat will keep your baby safe and secure while in the car and protect them from injuries if you are involved in a car accident. There are several different types of car seats on the market…

  • How to Make Transitioning Your Baby Into Their Own Room Easier

    How to Make Transitioning Your Baby Into Their Own Room Easier

    Many parents work very hard to decorate a nursery for their baby; however, most parents will tell you that their child didn’t sleep in his or her own room for the first few weeks.  During those first few weeks most parents choose to keep the baby in their room so that they can easily check…