• Setting Your Child Up for Preschool

    Setting Your Child Up for Preschool

    When a child is born, most parents spend a good deal of everyday caring for them. It can be hard to imagine the day when you will be sending them to preschool. They will be away from you for a good portion of every week day. This can be a startling change for many parents,…

  • Raising a Responsible Teenager

    Raising a Responsible Teenager

    Every parent or guardian that has a teenager needs to be on their toes at all times, considering the special needs of these young adults. Being a teenager means that one is trying to find out who they really are and where they fit in the society. This stage is very delicate, owing to the…

  • Talking with Teens About Drunk Driving

    Talking with Teens About Drunk Driving

    Parents often avoid sensitive topics with their kids due to not knowing where to begin. The subject of alcohol consumption, which many parents must confront while acknowledging their own drinking habits at home, is one which quickly leads down many tangents. But if parents are to prioritize these matters in order of importance, the first…

  • Cook up a Good Time with Your Kids

    Cook up a Good Time with Your Kids

      Sometimes kids need a good reason to unplug from all the electronics that are available in today’s world. Finding a hobby that you can do with your kids can be easy after a little conversation about the things they enjoy and want to learn more about. Hobbies for kids is one way to drag…

  • Issues Parents Face after Returning from Rehab

    Issues Parents Face after Returning from Rehab

    Parents in recovery face challenges that adults in recovery without children do not face. Staying on the bandwagon in your personal life, while also being a good parent are both worthy pursuits. However, when these goals are combined it may feel like an uphill battle. Rebuilding after addiction will take effort and commitment. But it…

  • A Physician’s Battle with Rett Syndrome

    A Physician’s Battle with Rett Syndrome

    Rett syndrome is a rare genetic development and neurological disorder that affects girls. It has an impact on the child’s ability to develop normal brain function. As such, the child experiences progressive inability to use the hands, head, and legs. Affected children also have repetitive hand movements, such as wringing and putting hands into the…

  • Ways to Have Extra Money for Your Family in Great Britain

    Ways to Have Extra Money for Your Family in Great Britain

    Looking for ways to boost your income and get that extra money for your family? Well, you don’t have to look any further since we’ve made a list with tips and tricks that will help you get those extra pennies and make life better. If you’re living in the UK, here are some very useful…

  • 3 Reasons to Decline Initial Personal Injury Settlement Offers

    3 Reasons to Decline Initial Personal Injury Settlement Offers

    Did you know that the first settlement offers given during the course of personal injury claims are often lowball offers? If you have become injured because you slipped and fell on the property of a negligent landowner, had a dog run up and bite you completely unprovoked, or got hurt in a car accident that…

  • Is Your Child Falling Behind in Reading and Writing? Signs to Watch Out For

    Is Your Child Falling Behind in Reading and Writing? Signs to Watch Out For

    As your child starts their first year of school, parents can hope for nothing but the best. Their hopes are that their child will succeed, make friends, learn to be independent, and have an enjoyable experience throughout their entire school years. However, because kids learn at different speeds and in different ways, the learning experience…

  • Household Tips for Keeping your Children Safe

    Household Tips for Keeping your Children Safe

    The thought of what could happen to our kids while they’re outside is always on parent’s minds but in all reality where do we spend 90% of our time and how come we think so seldom about whether or not our house is safe? This article is aimed at highlighting the possible dangerous areas in…

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