Category: Parenting

  • 4 Healthy Recipes and Important Healthy Eating Tips for Your Family

    4 Healthy Recipes and Important Healthy Eating Tips for Your Family

    As a parent you are responsible for providing your child with proper nutrition.  With the cost of fresh fruits and veggies on the rise, many parents find other fillers to give to their children.  However, skimping on fruits and veggies can have costly repercussions.  Fruits and veggies are low in calories, contain vitamins and minerals…

  • Start Shopping for All of Teenager’s Special Occasion Dresses and Accessories for Best Selection

    Start Shopping for All of Teenager’s Special Occasion Dresses and Accessories for Best Selection

    Parents if you have a teenager in high school, you will quickly realize that it is very expensive for  your child to attend all of the school sponsored events throughout the year.  Most kids enjoy going to football games, homecoming dances, several other special occasion dances throughout the year, band or other club banquets, senior…

  • Childhood Obesity – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

    Childhood Obesity – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

    As a mom, I am always worried about my children and their health.  I try to make sure that I introduce my kids to a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and wholesome nutritious food.  I also encourage them to be physically active to avoid childhood obesity.  Jessie, from DomeHealth, loves to educate other’s on health…

  • 5 Great Ways to Let Kids Play with Music

    5 Great Ways to Let Kids Play with Music

    Music is an important and natural part of your child’s life.  Not only can you use music to entertain your child but it can kickstart learning.  Your child has to use their senses and listening skills to learn the words, beat, and rhythm.  This post was written by Jessica Socheski.  She is an avid blogger…

  • Do You Involve Your Children in the Family Finances?

    Do You Involve Your Children in the Family Finances?

    Involving your kids in the family finances is a great idea; however, you should be careful what you say.  Every family goes through a rough patch and find themselves in financial trouble.  Most of the time the financial problems arise from things that are beyond your control such as a lay-off, an injury or illness…

  • Can You Really Find the Right Church for Your Family?

    Can You Really Find the Right Church for Your Family?

    A few years ago, I realized the importance of taking my children to church and that they had the chance to grow up in a Godly home.  I wanted them to grow up knowing Jesus and to be raised with the support of a church family.  Like most people, at some point in my life…

  • Can Tutoring Really Benefit Your Child?

    Can Tutoring Really Benefit Your Child?

    Does your child seem frustrated with their school work?  Are you having a hard time helping your child and don’t know how to help explain the concepts to them so that they can learn how to do their own homework?  Tutoring is a great option for both parents and students.  Most tutors can spend one…

  • 3 Great Benefits of Increased Physical Activity and Ways to Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

    3 Great Benefits of Increased Physical Activity and Ways to Encourage Your Child to Be More Active

    As a mom of three, I realize how important it is for my children to get enough exercise and have time to play outside.  Things have changed dramatically since I was a child growing up and I feel that kids today don’t have the opportunity to get outside to play.  Kids are either busy with…

  • 5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child Manners

    5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Child Manners

    As a parent it is often frustrating when you are in a store and witnessing a mother dealing with her screaming child or your own child having a meltdown.  In fact, this has happened to most mom’s at some point with their children whether or not we want to actually admit it.  It can get…

  • Learn a New Way to Get Your Kids to Help With the Laundry

    Learn a New Way to Get Your Kids to Help With the Laundry

    Do you have a laundry basket full of clothes?  If so, grab your toddler or young child’s hand and take them into the laundry room with you.  Did you know that  you can teach your children how to help with the laundry?  Most children are eager and willing to help their parents with new things.…