Category: Parenting
How To Deal With Your Child’s Mobile Phone Activities
If your child is in teenager, they often feel they are expected to having their own mobile phone. As per the survey conducted by Pew Research Centre, around three-fourth’s of all children belong to this particular age group and most own a smart phone. This report left some people sort of worrying about teenagers and…
Use Your Local Library as a Resource for Preschool Teaching Tools
Today I took my son to visit the local library for the very first time. I wasn’t sure what to expect because the library close to our house is fairly small. When we went into the library, I was amazed by the amount of books and activities that our local library has to offer the…
How to Turn Laundry Into a Learning Opportunity
As a mom, I know how quickly laundry can pile up especially if you have children in your house. This morning I asked toddler to help me pick up the laundry so that I could start a load of laundry today. After we completed got the laundry sorted and a load of laundry started, I…
How to Co Sleep With Your Baby Safely
Co-sleeping is a fairly common practice and many parents sleep in the same bed or room with their young baby or toddler. This is a very controversial topic in the United States and most people think co-sleeping is completely dangerous and that it should be avoided. However, as a mom I know how hard it…
7 Tips To Successfully Start a Preschool Curriculum At Home
As a mom, I know how important it is for your children to learn new things at an early age. Children typically learn very quickly and easily during those early years especially their language skills. I also knew that I needed to find some preschool teaching materials and tools to help keep him occupied and…
Inflatable Pools Are A Great Way to Introduce Swimming {Guest Post}
Introducing your child to water and teaching him or her to swim is a long process. You want your child to be as calm as possible around the water, but you also want him or her to be adventurous and have fun while swimming. Many parents and experts suggest that you should introduce your child…
Choosing the Right Backpack Can Greatly Reduce the Risks of Long-Term Health Problems or Injuries
Is your child’s backpack too heavy, bulky, or about to burst at the seams because your child is constantly stuffing all of their school supplies, textbooks, library books, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings into their backpack? A heavy backpack can cause long-term health problems or injuries. Over the last few years, more children are…
Backpack Misuse Can Lead to Long-Term Health Problems or Injuries
As your kids are heading back to school and stuffing their backpack full of school supplies and books, it is important for parents to make sure that their backpack isn’t too heavy. Did you know that most children carry their backpack improperly? Misusing a backpack and wearing it improperly can lead to long-term health problems…
Potty Training Secrets: Learn Why I Am Hesitant to Switch My Toddler to Big Kid Underwear Until My Child Has Fewer Accidents
Many parents often times pressure their children to start potty training their child before they are fully ready. When you try to start potty training before your child is ready, it can cause unnecessary stress for both you and your toddler. With all three of my kids, I waited until they were fully ready to…