Category: Parenting
When Should I Transition My Toddler to A Big Bed?
Many parents wonder when is the perfect time to transition their baby from their crib into a toddler bed or regular bed. As a mom, I can’t give you a perfect answer because each child is different and is ready to move into a regular bed at different ages. You know your child best and…
Learn How to Keep Your Toddler’s Artwork off of the Walls and Furniture
A few weeks ago, my husband asked me if I needed anything from the store. I asked him if he would pick up my youngest son a coloring book because he kept grabbing my pen from me when I wasn’t watching and kept telling me that he wanted to draw. I took the pen away…
What Items Should I Have in my Baby’s Diaper Bag?
A diaper bag is an absolute must have when you have a baby. In fact, there were several times when my children were very young that their diaper bag also became my purse. I would toss my wallet and a few essential items into the diaper bag so that I would only have to carry…
When Should I Switch My Baby From a Bottle to a Sippy Cup?
When I took my son to his 9 month old well baby check up, his doctor told me that she wanted to make sure that he was off the bottle around his first birthday. I really didn’t think this was going to be possible to wean him from the bottle by the time he was…
I Successfully Weaned My Child from a Pacifier Using This Technique
When I took my son to his 18 month old check up, my son was happily sucking on his pacifier when the doctor walked him. She took it out of his mouth so that she could look into his mouth and he kept telling her that he wanted he wanted his “paci” back. She told…
What Type of Potty Seat Should I Choose for my Toddler?
My baby is showing the signs that he is getting close to being ready to potty train. A few weeks ago, he started telling when he has a soiled diaper. He says, “I poop” when he soils his diaper. He hasn’t quite figured out the difference between urinating and pooping. I am excited and nervous…
Tips and Suggestions to Overcome Witching Hour
Is witching hour leaving you frazzled? Most babies around two weeks to three months old, may experience episodes of crying spells during the evening hours and your baby will be inconsolable. No matter what you try, nothing seems to calm your baby down and you can’t figure out what is wrong. You will find…